Rick Sopher

Rick Sopher
Born December 22, 1959

Rick Sopher (born in London, England on 22 December 1959) is chairman of the management board of several listed investment companies including Leveraged Capital Holdings (the first fund of funds, which was started by the Edmond de Rothschild Group),[1] Trading Capital Holdings[2] and is a director of the management company of RIT Capital Partners plc,[3] whose Chairman is Lord Jacob Rothschild. He is also managing director of Edmond de Rothschild Capital Holdings Limited.[4]

Early life and education

Rick Sopher studied at the City of London School, was awarded a scholarship to Christ's College, Cambridge and graduated in economics in 1981. He is married to Carol Sopher and has a daughter Amelia Liana Sopher.[5]


He qualified as a chartered accountant in 1984, and worked at BDO Stoy Hayward in corporate finance and investigations, becoming in 1988 the youngest partner ever made by that firm. While there he devised in 1987 the Private Company Price Index, a published measure of the valuations at which private companies were being sold. He joined Edmond de Rothschild limited in 1993.

He has pioneered research into investment in absolute return strategies, including the ranking of the greatest hedge fund managers, which is regularly reported by the financial press.

He developed a measure of performance of hedge funds which ranks the most successful hedge funds by the net (after fees) amount of money they made for their clients and which became widely followed, including by the Financial Times and CNBC.

Other, including awards

He is a trustee of the endowment of Sir Moses Montefiore,[6] a director of the London Jewish Museum,[7] chair of the Sephardi Centre, and a member of the Haut-Conseil of the Alliance Israélite Universelle.[8] He was awarded the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur by French President Jacques Chirac in 2007
