Richard Ollard

Richard Ollard (19232007) was an English historian and biographer. He is best known for his work on the English Restoration period.


Richard Laurence Ollard was born in Yorkshire on 9 November 1923, the son of Rev Dr S L Ollard, an Anglican clergyman. He was educated at Eton College where he was a King's Scholar. He joined the Navy during the Second World War and won an exhibition to New College, Oxford at its conclusion. For twelve years from 1948 to 1959 Ollard taught history at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich in London. In 1960 he joined the publisher Collins as a senior editor, where he worked until his retirement in 1983. After his retirement from Collins he continued to research and publish widely and lived in Morecombelake, Dorset. He died of leukaemia on 21 January 2007. Richard was married to Mary (née Riddell) for 53 years & leaves 3 children & 5 grandchildren.

Interests and achievements

Selected publications

The book about Rowse sparked some controversy in literary circles. A negative review published by the London Review of Books (27 April 2000) prompted this reply by Ollard.

I am sorry that so interesting and well-written an article as Mary Beard's should convey so bitterly one-sided an impression of my book on A.L. Rowse. His encouragement of fellow writers, his practical kindness and hospitality towards them, certainly bulked larger in my mind when I was writing it than the splenetic egocentricity that led him into all too well publicised excesses.
It is humiliating for any author to have failed so signally in what he set out to do. I am reminded of Congreve's witticism that bad portraitists are obliged to write the name of their sitters at the bottom. So may I, likewise, ask LRB readers to accept that my view of Rowse is emphatically not that presented by Mary Beard.
Richard Ollard

External links
