Richard M. Waugaman

Richard M. Waugaman, a Philosophy major, graduated from Princeton University with an A.B. in 1970. In 1973, he received a M.D. from Duke University School of Medicine. From 1973-76, his psychiatric residency was conducted at Sheppard-Pratt Hospital in Towson, MD. In 1984, he graduated from the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute, and since 2001, has been a Training & Supervising Analyst Emeritus there.

In 1973, Waugaman began his publishing career by writing an article on Nietzsche's influence on Freud. He has published in the psychiatry and psychoanalysis fields on a variety of topics, including cognitive psychology, neuroscience, psychoanalytic education, clinical psychoanalysis, professional ethics, religion, dissociative disorders, transferences to fellow patients, time, the analytic couch, the meaning of names, dreams, and countertransference.

Since 2002, Waugaman has shifted most of his research interests to English literature and the Shakespeare authorship question. Based on Sigmund Freud's, the founder of psychoanalysis, endorsement of the theory that Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford (1550-1604) was the true author of Shakespeare's canon, Waugaman has continued such endorsement by publishing in Oxfordian journals the results of his attribution studies that several anonymous works were written by de Vere a/k/a Shakespeare. Waugaman is also interested in Biblical allusions in the works of Shakespeare and, in 2009, published the results of his correlation between the Sternhold and Hopkins' Metrical Psalms and the Shakespearean canon in the Oxford University Press' journal, Notes and Queries.

As of 2014, Waugaman was named one of Georgetown University's faculty experts on Shakespeare for media contacts. Since then, he has earned the distinction of having written two-thirds of its faculty's most recent 50 publications on Shakespeare.[1]

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