Richard Denniss

Richard Denniss is the Executive Director of The Australia Institute.[1] He is a prominent Australian economist, author and public policy commentator, and a former Adjunct Associate Professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy[2] at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia.

Denniss is the co-author (with Clive Hamilton) of best-selling book Affluenza: When Too Much is Never Enough.[3] and An introduction to Australian Public Policy (with Sarah Maddison). Most recently, he co-authored Minority policy: rethinking governance when parliament matters with Brenton Prosser, a book that examines the operations of minority government and implications for public policy in Westminster systems.

In recent times his research has focused on climate change policy [4] and tax policy.[5] He has previously worked on a number of projects aimed at improving the measurement of government and economic performance including the 'Genuine Progress Indicator' (GPI),[6] the 'Wellbeing Manifesto',[7] and the state of Australian Government.

The Australia Institute

Richard Denniss has been the Executive Director of The Australia Institute since July 2008[8] and was previously the Deputy Director of the Institute between 2003 and 2005. The Institute is acknowledged as Australia’s most influential progressive think tank. Based in Canberra, it conducts independent research on a broad range of economic, social and environmental issues in order to inform public debate and bring greater accountability to the democratic process.

The Institute and its researchers are prominent commentators on public policy issues, including recent work on climate change and emissions trading, taxation policy, paid parental leave and unemployment. The Institute is also known for its work on health, consumer affairs and trade practices.

Political work

Prior to his appointment at The Australia Institute, Denniss was Senior Strategic Advisor to Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown and was also Chief of Staff to Senator Natasha Stott-Despoja, former Leader of the Australian Democrats.[1] Denniss has also worked as a researcher at the H.V. Evatt Memorial Foundation (the 'Evatt Foundation'), a public policy organisation with strong links to the Australian Labor Party.


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Australia Institute: "Organisational structure", retrieved 10 October 2013
  2. Crawford School of Public Policy
  3. Durber, Dean (October 2005). "Review of Affluenza: When too much is never enough". The Australian Public Intellectual Network. Retrieved 2008-11-12.
  4. Denniss, Richard (November 2008). "Fixing the Floor in the ETS". Australia Institute Policy Brief. Retrieved 2008-11-12.
  5. Denniss, Richard (October 2008). "The case for a new top tax rate". Australia Institute Research Paper. Retrieved 2008-10-20.
  6. Denniss, Richard; Hamilton, Clive (December 2000). "Tracking Well-being in Australia: The Genuine Progress Indicator 2000 ". Australia Institute Web Paper. Retrieved 2008-10-20.
  8. Hutchens, Gareth: "Want expert advice? Don't take on this bloke", in The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 October 2013