Richard's Poor Almanac

Richard Thompson's Richard's Poor Almanac: "Make the Pie Higher" (January 2001)

Richard's Poor Almanac is a cartoon series by Richard Thompson which appears weekly (usually on Saturdays) in The Washington Post Style section. It began in 1997.

Make the Pie Higher

The Richard's Poor Almanac cartoon published the week of George W. Bush's first inauguration was Thompson's mock inaugural poem, "Make the Pie Higher," composed of some of Bush's more incoherent quotations. When "Make the Pie Higher" was leaked onto the Internet, it spread rapidly and was eventually dissected and analyzed on Snopes, which did a lengthy review of its origins.[1] The poem has been set to music multiple times in various styles, including Irish and choral music.[2]


  1. "Make the Pie Higher". Snopes. 21 July 2008. Retrieved 13 July 2014.
  2. "A Short Interview With Richard Thompson". The Comics Reporter. 26 January 2008. Retrieved 13 July 2014.