Ricardo Caminos

Ricardo Augusto Caminos (c. 1916 – May 28, 1992) was an Argentine Egyptologist focused on epigraphy and paleography. Caminos was born in Buenos Aires and had a brother Hugo and sister Helena. As a child he was fascinated by ancient history, and Caminos went on to obtain his undergraduate degree and M.A. (1938) from University of Buenos Aires. After studying for PhD's from both Oxford University and the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute, Chicago, he would go on to work on number of Egyptian and Sudanese excavations, including those about to be flooded by the construction on the Aswan Dam. Around 1952 he was hired by Brown University; in 1972 he became the chairman of the Egyptology department, retiring in 1980. He then moved to London where he conducted research at the nearby Egypt Exploration Society.

