Ribble Link Trust

The Ribble Link Trust is a waterway society, campaigners, instigators of and involved in the Ribble Link, a navigable waterway that connects the Lancaster Canal to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal in Lancashire, England, UK via the River Ribble.

The Trust is a member of the Ribble Link Partnership which includes British Waterways, Preston City Council and Lancashire County Council.

The construction was funded by:

The Ribble Link was opened to navigation on July 12, 2002, and the official opening ceremony took place on September 20, 2002. The first boat to travel the Ribble Link belonged to Cliff Fazakerley, chairman of the Ribble Link Trust.

In the Waterways Renaissance Awards 2002, the Ribble Link Partnership won the Partnership category because it demonstrated the best public/private/community partnership.

See also

External links