Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales

The Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS) is an individually administered test of intelligence that includes a co-normed, supplemental measure of memory.[1] It is appropriate for individuals ages 3–94.

The RIAS intelligence subtests include Verbal Reasoning (verbal), Guess What (verbal), Odd-Item Out (nonverbal), and What's Missing? (nonverbal). Memory subtests include Verbal Memory and Nonverbal Memory.[1] Included within the RIAS is the Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test (RIST), a quick screener that consists of two RIAS subtests (Guess What and Odd-Item Out) and takes less time to complete than the RIAS.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Randy Reynolds and Cecil Kamphaus, Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales and Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test Professional Manual, Psychological Assessment Resources (2003) No ISBN

See also

Further reading

External links