Retribution (2002 film)

Retribution (2002 film)
Starring Ioan Gruffudd
Country of origin United Kingdom
Original language(s) English
Preceded by Mutiny (2002 film)
Followed by Loyalty (film)

"Retribution" is the sixth episode of the British film series Hornblower. In was released on March 25, 2002; nearly 3 years after the first four films and the day after the fifth episode "Mutiny". It is based on the book Lieutenant Hornblower by C.S. Forester. Retribution is a continuation of the fifth episode.



The film starts In Kingston, Jamaica, where the court martial for Horatio and the other lieutenants begins. It is seen that Lieutenants Bush and Kennedy are locked away in the prison sickbay and only Lieutenants Buckland and Hornblower are at the trial. The tribunal of the court includes Commodore Pellew, Captain Hammond, and Captain Collins.

The film then flashes back to 6 months earlier, where the Renown is retreating from the Spanish fort. While the captain is still locked in his cabin, the dead are buried at sea. Despite Acting Captain's desire to sail to Kingston, Horatio and Archie suggest they launch a surprise night attack on the Spanish fort by land and then trap Spanish ships in the nearby bay.

The film then goes back to present day, where the tribunal is questioning Dr. Clive about his decision that Captain Sawyer was unfit to command.

Back 6 months earlier, a group of sailors, led by a man named Randall, choose to desert the HMS Renown during the night rather than serve under mutineers. Randall offers to let Hobbs come with them, but Hobbs states he's too loyal to Captain Sawyer to abandon him now, so Randall knocks him out and leaves.

Back to the Court Martial, the tribunal asks why Buckland decided to continue with the mission, despite a deserting crew and an injured captain. Captain Hammond claim it was for glory, but Horatio disagreed.

Back to 6 months earlier, Matthews discovers Randall's desertion. Because 33 others deserted with him, Acting Captain Buckland agrees to attack the fort. The landing force, led by Hoartio, Archie, and Bush, discovers Randall and the deserters all killed.

During the tribunal's recess, they agree Captains Sawyer's good name should be preserved, but need a clear outcome for the lieutenants. So they decide if found guilty, they will only hang one man, but don't know who yet.

After finding the dead deserters, Horatio concludes it wasn't the Spanish who killed them, so they continue on, with no time to bury the dead. Meanwhile, rebel slaves take out the sailors guarding the lifeboats. On the ship, Captain Sawyer asks Acting Captain Buckland to release him an in exchange, he will speak for Buckland at the court martial in Kingston, but Buckland refuses the offer. Buckland is called on deck as rebel slaves, who reveal to be the ones behind the killing of Randal and the deserters, have taken one for the lifeboats and demand the HMS Renown leave Santo Domingo, claiming this is not the Renown's fight. As the landing party approaches the fort, a clash occurs between the HMS Renown and the rebel slaves, which alerts the Spanish to the presence of the landing force. As the landing party is under heavy fire by the Spanish Garrison, Horatio discovers a series of underground tunnels, used by the Spanish during the fighting. Using the same tunnels, Horatio helps the landing party overpower the Spanish garrison and take the fort. Using hot shot, the landing party uses the fort's cannons to fire on the Spanish ships in the bay.

Back in Kingston, Captain Hammond congratulates Horatio on his use of the underground tunnel system to take the fort, but criticizes him on abandoning Bush and the rest of the landing party during the fighting to find the tunnels. Commodore Pellew and Collins just look at the end result and also congratulate Horatio on his use of the hot shot on the Spanish. They also disagree on Captain Hammond's interpretation of the events. During another recess, Captain Collins states his opinion that Commodore Pellew is uncomfortable with judging a man he cares for as his own son

After their victory, Acting Captain Buckland joins the other lieutenants at the fort, where they meet Colonel Francisco Manuel Ortega, the Spanish Commanding Officer, who is anxious to leave the island. It is later discovered why; the fort is under siege by the rebel slaves, who the small group they encountered back on the HMS Renown was a scouting party, and the Spanish are starving. As Buckland stalls the Spanish Colonel, Horatio and the other lieutenants prepare to fire on the Spanish ships. Meanwhile, Hobbs tries to free Captain Sawyer, but failed. Hobbs then confronts Midshipman Wellard and accuses him of pushing Captain Sawyer down the hold.

Back at Kingston, Captain Hammond questions Hornblower and calls him an opportunist for some of his tactics, such as with the cannons.

As Buckland continues to stall the Spanish Colonel and his wife, Midshipman Wellard is riding up a gun to the top of a cliff, when the rope starts to rip, so Horatio rescues him, using a hangman's noose as a life line. Just as the Spanish Colonel is questioning the location of the other lieutenants, they begin to open fire on the Spanish ships. Witnessing the firing from the HMS Renown, Colonel Ortega surrenders his ships as prizes of war and makes him and his wife prisoners of war. As the Spanish are surrendering, the rebel slaves attack the fort. So Bush orders the gun spiked and a retreat. An ill Captain Sawyer begins to sing Farewell and Adieu and so Buckland orders Dr, Clive go give him more medicine. While evacuating the Spanish, now prisoners of war, Buckland orders Horatio to lay the charge in blowing up the fort. Despite orders, Bush and Archie join Horatio in blowing up the fort. While some believe all three are dead, Horatio, Archie, and Bush survive the explosion and are welcomed back on board the HMS Renown. Buckland then asks Horatio to take command of the Spanish ships.

Back in Kingston, the tribunal congratulates Lieutenant Buckland on the Spanish surrender, but then question him about the rebel slaves he encountered, his relationship with Lieutenant Hornblower, on the destruction of the fort.

As the HMS Renown and the Spanish ships are on route to Kingston, Hobbs tries to get Captain Sawyer to remember the event to try to find out if someone pushed him. Later that night, the Spanish escape the hold and try to take the HMS Renown, but fail trying. During the battle, Captain Sawyer and Midshipman Wellard are killed and Lieutenants Bush and Kennedy are injured. Colonel Ortega is also killed in the fight and after his death, the other Spanish prisoners surrender again. As Captain Sawyer dies, Horatio says to Hobbs, I'm sorry that his last command was taken from him, but he was a leader of men and he died in battle."

As the court martial continues, the tribunal insults Buckland for being tied up in his cabin during the battle, in which Buckland rashly stating his opinion that Captain Sawyer was mentally unfit to command the HMS Renown because Horatio pushed down into the hold, but has no one to back his claim. So Buckland calls on Hobbs to back his statement, but Hobbs only quotes Horatio, saying "My Captain was a leader of men and he died in battle" and also states he cannot tell who pushed the captain. In another recess, Commodore Pellew states to Captain Hammond and Captain Collins that instead of hanging Horatio, they should promote him. Later, to save Horatio, a still injured Kennedy admits to the tribunal that he pushed Captain Sawyer down the hold and later dies from his wound, but had the chance to say goodbye to Horatio. Despite Horatio's grieving for the loss of his dear friend, Lieutenant Archie Kennedy, Commodore Pellew tells him that one of the Spanish ships has been renamed the HMS Retribution and that Horatio has been promoted to commander and is the new captain of the HMS Retribution.