Resistência Galega

Graffiti in support of Resistência Galega

Resistência Galega (English: Galician Resistance), sometimes referred to as REGA,[1] is the term used by a series of left-wing and Galician separatist organizations and individuals to claim attacks in the northern region of Spain. The term was first used in 2005 when a manifesto named Manifesto da Resistência Galega appeared on the Internet.[2] Since then, Resistência Galega has carried out dozens of attacks against political party's offices and banks across Galicia.


Resistência Galega is the continuation of several Galician separatist groups active in the 1970s and 80s such as the Loita Armada Revolucionaria, "Liga Armada Galega" or "Exército Guerrilheiro do Povo Galego Ceive". The organisation was reportedly created by the Assembleia da Mocidade Independentista (English: Assembly of Independentist Youth) in 2005 and it became known to the public with a manifesto published on the Internet on November 20 of that same year. In it, several attacks against political party offices, the Spanish Army, and incidents which occurred during the Prestige oil spill crisis were claimed.[3]

According to Spanish police, the group has three active cells with each one consisting of four members. Two of them based in the cities of Santiago and Vigo, and another one moving around Galicia. The group also has around 200 sympathizers and supporters. Its leader is suspected to be Antonio García Matos, former member of the extinct organization "Exército Guerrilheiro".[1] Also known as "Toninho", he was arrested in November 2005 and was soon released, being on the run since then. He is believed to be hiding in Portugal, from where he orders the organisation's attacks.[4] There have also been reported contacts with ETA.[5][6] Some activists have reportedly being trained in the mountains in rural Galicia.[3] In October 2010, it was announced that the Spanish High Court would designate Resistência Galega as a terrorist group, comparing the group with other armed organizations in Spain, such as ETA.[1] Following a petrol bomb attack on January 2011, authorities labelled the incident as a "terrorist attack" and announced that the High Court would take part in the investigation, as a "case of terrorism".[7]









  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "La Audiencia Nacional considera a Resistencia Galega grupo terrorista". (in Spanish). October 20, 2010. Retrieved 2010-10-21.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Interior intenta abortar la reaparición del terrorismo de cariz nacionalista en Galicia". (in Spanish). July 9, 2007. Retrieved 2010-10-21.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "El terrorismo independentista toma impulso en Galicia". (in Spanish). January 11, 2011. Retrieved 2011-02-20.
  4. "Tres células activas podrían formar el grupo radical autor de los atentados". (in Spanish). January 7, 2011. Retrieved 2011-01-07.
  5. "Alerta en Galicia por contactos entre ETA y el grupo Resistencia Galega". (in Spanish). July 24, 2007. Retrieved 2010-10-21.
  6. "La Policía teme actos violentos aprovechando la visita del Papa". (in Spanish). October 17, 2010. Retrieved 2010-10-21.
  7. "La Audiencia Nacional investigará el atentado contra la sede del PSOE de Betanzos". (in Spanish). January 5, 2011. Retrieved 2011-01-071. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  8. "Apuntan a Resistencia Galega como responsable del ataque al PP de Nigrán". (in Spanish). April 19, 2010. Retrieved 2010-10-22.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 "La explosión de un artefacto causa alarma entre los vecinos del municipio de Cangas". (in Spanish). November 15, 2007. Retrieved 2010-10-22.
  10. "Explota una bomba en una caseta comercial de Martinsa-Fadesa en Perbes". (in Spanish). February 8, 2008. Retrieved 2010-10-21.
  11. "Explota una bomba de fabricación casera en un cajero de Vigo sin causar víctimas". (in Spanish). June 17, 2009. Retrieved 2010-09-16.
  12. "Un artefacto incendiario calcina un cajero automático en Cangas". (in Spanish). July 9, 2009. Retrieved 2011-02-17.
  13. "Colocan una bomba frente a una sucursal bancaria en Vigo". (in Spanish). July 23, 2009. Retrieved 2011-02-17.
  14. "Atentado con artefacto incendiario a dos vehículos de la Policía Local". (in Spanish). January 2, 2010. Retrieved 2010-12-26.
  15. "Atacan de madrugada con explosivos la casa de Blanco Valdés". (in Spanish). January 28, 2010. Retrieved 2010-12-26.
  16. "Atacan la sede del PP en Nigrán con un artefacto incendiario". (in Spanish). April 19, 2010. Retrieved 2011-02-20.
  17. "Un artefacto explota ante la sede de una patronal de Vigo". (in Spanish). July 20, 2010. Retrieved 2010-09-16.
  18. "Grupos radicales colocan un artefacto explosivo en la casa del juez Míguez Poza". (in Spanish). July 26, 2010. Retrieved 2010-12-26.
  19. "Explota un artefacto en la sede del PSdeG en A Estrada y causa daños materiales". (in Spanish). September 16, 2010. Retrieved 2010-09-16.
  20. "Los investigadores relacionan el atentado contra el Inem de Lugo con el del PSOE de A Estrada". (in Spanish). September 28, 2010. Retrieved 2010-09-30.
  21. "Un artefacto explosivo causa daños en la sede socialista de Salceda de Caselas (Pontevedra)". (in Spanish). September 28, 2010. Retrieved 2010-09-30.
  22. "Una bomba explota en una sede del PSOE en A Coruña". (in Spanish). December 26, 2010. Retrieved 2010-12-36. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  23. "Dos artefactos incendiarios causan daños en la sede del PSdG de Betanzos". (in Spanish). January 4, 2011. Retrieved 2011-01-05.
  24. "Atacan con cócteles molotov la sede del PSdeG en Carral". (in Spanish). January 18, 2011. Retrieved 2011-01-18.
  25. "Quejas por la tibieza de algunos jueces ante la ‘galeborroka’". (in Spanish). February 13, 2011. Retrieved 2011-02-14.
  26. "Acción insurrecta contra los juzgados de Betanzos (A Coruña, Galicia, (no es) España)". (in Spanish). February 9, 2011. Retrieved 2011-02-17.
  27. "Atacan cun cóctel molotov a sede da UGT na Coruña". (in Galician). February 9, 2011. Retrieved 2011-02-17.
  28. "Colocan un artefacto explosivo en un cajero de Vigo que no llegó a estallar". (in Spanish). February 10, 2011. Retrieved 2011-02-14.
  29. "Explotan una bomba casera en un piso en el que vivió Bugallo". El Correo Gallego. Retrieved 23 March 2011.
  30. "Un artefacto explosivo destruye la sede del PP de Ordes y daña varios coches y edificios". El Correo Gallego. Retrieved 13 June 2011.

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