Republicans for Choice

Republicans for Choice is an American political action committee (PAC) composed of members of the United States Republican Party who support legalized abortion.

History of Republicans for Choice

Republicans for Choice was founded in 1989 by conservative fundraiser and activist Ann Stone[1] and just under 500 elected and appointed Republican officials from all 50 states, to counter the Republican Party's perceived increasing focus on pro-life candidates and political platform.





The organization has quoted the Republican Party's Statement of Principles, suggesting that this encompasses the option to choose abortion: the Party wants "[a]n America with a smaller less burdensome government that trusts its people to decide what is best for them ... [a]n America where freedom of expression, individual conscience, and personal privacy are cherished and respected."

It has called for the Human Life Amendment to be removed from the abortion plank and that the platform reflect real policy that represents a common ground approach where both sides of the GOP can work together to make abortion unnecessary without taking away women's rights.

RFC has successfully gotten language into the platform that encourages Republicans to follow their conscience on this and other divisive issues. They do not ask those who disagree with them to leave the GOP but rather to join with them to return to the real core Republican values that call for smaller government and protecting personal freedom. They believe this should extend to both men and women. Ultimately they believe in a GOP that helps get the government out of the boardroom and the bedroom.

In that light, Republicans for Choice has suggested changes to the Republican National Platform with regard to societal attitudes towards gay and lesbian issues.

Republicans for Choice is partners with other Republican groups such as The Wish List, The Republican Majority For Choice, IMP-PAC (It's My Party Too), and the Republican Main Street Partnership.

See also


  1. Toner, Robin. "G.O.P. Group Formed to Support Abortion Rights." New York Times. 04-24-1990. Accessed 06-01-2008.

External links