Republican Popular Party (Moldova)

The Republican Popular Party (Partidul Popular Republican, PPR) is a political party in Moldova. It was founded in 1999 as Peasants' Christian Democratic Party of Moldova (Partidul Ţărănesc Creştin Democrat din Moldova). It was chaired by Vladimir Reus.

At the last legislative elections, 6 March 2005, the party won 1.4% of the popular vote, but no seats.

The 6th National Conference of the Peasants' Christian Democratic Party of Moldova took place on May 28, 2005. The conference decided to change the name of the party in Popular Republican Party, adopted a new status and programme of PRP. Its chairman became Nicolae Andronic. The party was in opposition to the Party of Communists, who governed until 2009.

On 13 April 2014 took place a party congress, in which Nicolae Andronic ceded formation to Renato Usatîi, and then party was renamed in Our Party (Partidul Nostru).[1][2] On 10 June 2014 Ministry of Justice of Moldova announced that has not recognised this action.[3][4]


  1. Un congres ca o nunta. Controversatul om de afaceri, Renato Usatai, si-a lansat partidul cu mult fast, 13 aprilie 2014,
  2. Partidul Popular Republican, redenumit în „Partidul nostru”, 13 aprilie 2014,
  3. Motivul pentru care Ministerul Justiției a respins modificările la Partidul Popular Republican
  4. Decizie: Renato Usatîi, fără „Partidul Nostru”

External links