Republican Governors Association

Republican Governors Association
Chairman Bill Haslam (Tennessee)
Vice Chairman Susana Martinez (New Mexico)
Executive Committee Scott Walker, Mike Pence, Mary Fallin, Rick Scott, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal
Founded 1963

1747 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 250

Washington, DC 20006
31 / 50
Politics of United States
Political parties

The Republican Governors Association (RGA) is a Washington, D.C.-based 527 organization founded in 1963,[1] consisting of U.S. state and territorial Republican governors.

In 2015 the RGA chairman is Governor Bill Haslam of Tennessee, who assumed the office in November 2014, succeeding Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey.[2] [3] The 2015 RGA Vice Chair is Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico, who followed Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana as Vice Chair. Governor Christie and Governor Jindall continue to serve on the Executive Committee along with Governors Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Mike Pence of Indiana, Mary Fallin of Oklahoma, Rick Scott of Florida and Nikki Haley of South Carolina.

Its Democratic Party counterpart is the Democratic Governors Association. The RGA is not directly affiliated with the non-partisan National Governors Association.

Mission statement

  1. To assist in the election of Republican gubernatorial candidates and the reelection of incumbent Republican Governors.
  2. To utilize the talent, knowledge, creativity of the governors to effectively debate and shape public policy on issues affecting the states; and
  3. To enable Republican Governors to express, develop and promote the philosophy of the Republican Party at the state and local levels nationwide.

List of current Republican governors

Current Governor State Past Took office Current term
Robert J. Bentley Alabama List 2011 Second Term
Doug Ducey Arizona List 2015 First Term
Asa Hutchinson Arkansas List 2015 First Term
Rick Scott Florida List 2011 Second Term
Nathan Deal Georgia List 2011 Second Term
Butch Otter Idaho List 2007 Third term
Bruce Rauner Illinois List 2015 First Term
Mike Pence Indiana List 2013 First term
Terry Branstad Iowa List 2011 Second Term
Sam Brownback Kansas List 2011 Second term
Bobby Jindal Louisiana List 2008 Second term
Charlie Baker Massachusetts List 2015 First term
Paul LePage Maine List 2011 Second term
Larry Hogan Maryland List 2015 First Term
Rick Snyder Michigan List 2011 Second Term
Phil Bryant Mississippi List 2012 First term
Pete Ricketts Nebraska List 2015 First term
Brian Sandoval Nevada List 2011 Second term
Chris Christie New Jersey List 2010 Second term
Susana Martinez New Mexico List 2011 Second term
Jack Dalrymple North Dakota List 2010 Second term (elected to first full term in 2012)
Pat McCrory North Carolina List 2013 First term
John Kasich Ohio List 2011 Second term
Mary Fallin Oklahoma List 2011 Second term
Nikki Haley South Carolina List 2011 Second term
Dennis Daugaard South Dakota List 2011 Second term
Bill Haslam Tennessee List 2011 Second term
Greg Abbott Texas List 2015 First term
Gary Herbert Utah List 2009 First term
Scott Walker Wisconsin List 2011 Second Term
Matt Mead Wyoming List 2011 First term

In addition to governors of U.S. states, the RGA also offers membership to Republican governors of U.S. territories.

Governor Territory Prev Took office Seat Up
Eddie Calvo Guam List 2011 2018
Eloy Inos Northern Mariana Islands List 2013 2018


In the 18 months ending June 30, 2010, the RGA raised $58 million, while its counterpart DGA raised $40 million. "Unlike the national political parties and federal candidates, the governors’ associations can take in unlimited amounts from corporations," according to Bloomberg Businessweek, which notes that the RGA recently received $1 million from Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, the parent corporation of Fox News, and $500,000 from WellPoint, a major US health insurance firm.[4]


External links