Republic of New Granada

Republic of New Granada
República de la Nueva Granada

Flag Coat of arms
Libertad y Orden
(English: Liberty and Order)
Republic of the New Granada
Capital Santa Fé de Bogotá
Religion Roman Catholic
Government Presidential republic
 -  Established October 20, 1831
 - Bill of rights¹ 1853
 -  Constitutional Change April 11, 1858
Currency Peso
Today part of  Brazil
 Costa Rica
¹ Abolition of slavery, and suffrage to all males over 21.

The Republic of New Granada was a centralist republic consisting primarily of present-day Colombia and Panama with smaller portions of today's Ecuador, and Venezuela. It was created after the dissolution in 1830 of Gran Colombia.The Republic was established after the dissolvement of the Republic of Colombia (Great Colombia) with seccession of Ecuador (Quito, Guayaquil and Azuay) and Venezuela (with Orinoco, Apure and Zulia) and was formed by the departments of Boyaca, Cauca, Cundinamarca, Magdalena and Istmo, all in the current Republic of Colombia (except Istmo that is the current Panama). On November 1831 those departments created the Republic of Nueva Granada, but nothing was established about symbols. Old symbols were confirmed provisory by the National Convention of 17 Dicember 1831. It is not clear what flag was it: Restrepo believe that is the flag with two cornucopias of Great Colombia. While new symbols were discused some proposals were issued. On 9 May 1834, the national flag was adopted and was used until 26 November 1861, with the greatcolombian colors in Veles arrangement. Merchant ensign has the eighpointed star in white. In 1851 new civil war when conservative ans slavist from Cauca and Antioquia, led by Manuel Ibánez, Julio Arboleda and Eusebio Borrero, revolted against liberal president José Hilario López trying to stop the process of liberation of slaves and for some religious affairs. Jaume Ollé, 20 October 2001

Colombian Constitution of 1832

One of the prime features of the political climate of the republic was the position of the Catholic Church and the level of autonomy for the federal states. In 1839, dispute arose over the shutting down of monasteries by the Congress of New Granada. This soon escalated into the War of the Supremes, which raged for the next two years and transformed into a conflict about regional autonomy.

New Granada was transformed in 1858 to the Granadine Confederation as an answer to demands for a decentralized country.


The territory of the Republic was divided into provinces. Each province was composed of one or more cantons, each canton was divided into several districts parish.

Likewise, the Republic covered some territories in the peripheries of the country.

See also

Coordinates: 4°39′N 74°3′W / 4.650°N 74.050°W