Renzi Cabinet

Renzi cabinet

63rd Cabinet of Italy
Date formed 22 February 2014
People and organizations
Head of government Matteo Renzi
Head of state Giorgio Napolitano
Sergio Mattarella
Number of ministers 16
Total number of ministers 17
Member party Democratic Party (10)
New Centre-Right (2)
Union of the Centre (1)
Independents (3)
Election(s) 2013
Previous Letta Cabinet

The Renzi Cabinet, led by Matteo Renzi, is the 63rd and current cabinet of the Italian Republic.

The cabinet, in office since 22 February 2014, has been composed of members of the Democratic Party (PD), the New Centre-Right (NCD), the Union of the Centre (UdC), Civic Choice (SC), the Populars for Italy (PpI), Solidary Democracy (Demo.S, since July 2014), the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) and non-party independents.

At its formation, the cabinet was the youngest government of Italy up to date, with an average age of 47.[1] In addition, it is also the first in which the number of female ministers is equal to the number of male ministers, excluding the prime minister.[2][3]

Confidence vote

25 February 2014
Confidence vote for Renzi Cabinet
House of Parliament Vote Parties Votes
Senate of the Republic Yes Yes PD (109), NCD (32), PSI-SVP (13), PI (10), SC (7), Others (5)
176 / 320
No FI (59), M5S (40), LN (15), GAL (9), SEL (7), Others (14)
144 / 320
Chamber of Deputies Yes Yes PD (298), NCD (27), SC (27), PI (16), Others (20)
388 / 630
No M5S (104), FI (70), SEL (25), LN (19), FdI (9), Others (15)
242 / 630

Party breakdown

Party breakdown of cabinet ministers:

  • Independents
  • Union of the Centre


Prime Minister

Office Name Term Party
Prime Minister
Matteo Renzi
22 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party


Office Name Term Party
Minister of the Interior
Angelino Alfano
22 February 2014 – present
New Centre-Right
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Federica Mogherini
22 February 2014 –
31 October 2014[4]
Democratic Party
Paolo Gentiloni
31 October 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Minister of Economy and Finances
Pier Carlo Padoan
24 February 2014 – present
Minister of Defense
Roberta Pinotti
22 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Minister of Justice
Andrea Orlando
22 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Minister of Economic Development
Federica Guidi
22 February 2014 – present
Minister of Labour and Social Policies
Giuliano Poletti
22 February 2014 – present
Minister of Infrastructures and Transports
Maurizio Lupi
22 February 2014 – 20 March 2015[5]
New Centre-Right
Graziano Delrio
2 April 2015 – present
Democratic Party
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies
Maurizio Martina
22 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Minister of Education, University and Research
Stefania Giannini
22 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Minister of Health
Beatrice Lorenzin
22 February 2014 – present
New Centre-Right
Minister of the Environment
Gian Luca Galletti
22 February 2014 – present
Union of the Centre
Minister of Culture and Tourism
Dario Franceschini
22 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies
Maria Carmela Lanzetta
22 February 2014 – 26 January 2015[6]
Democratic Party
Minister of Constitutional Reforms and Parliamentary Relations
Maria Elena Boschi
22 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Minister of Public Administration and Simplification
Marianna Madia
22 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party

Deputy Ministers

Office Name Term Party
Deputy Minister of the Interior
Filippo Bubbico
28 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Lapo Pistelli
28 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance
Luigi Casero
28 February 2014 – present
New Centre-Right
Deputy Minister of Economy and Finances
Enrico Morando
28 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Deputy Minister of Justice
Enrico Costa
28 February 2014 – present
New Centre-Right
Deputy Minister of Economic Development
Carlo Calenda
28 February 2014 – present
Democratic Party
Deputy Minister of Economic Development
Claudio De Vincenti
28 February 2014 – 9 April 2015
Democratic Party
Deputy Minister to Infrastructures and Transports
Riccardo Nencini
28 February 2014 – present
Italian Socialist Party
Deputy Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies
Andrea Olivero
28 February 2014 – present
Solidary Democracy

Secretary of the Council

Office Name Term Party
Secretary of the Council of Ministers
Graziano Delrio
22 February 2014 – 2 April 2015[7]
Democratic Party
Claudio De Vincenti
10 April 2015 – present
Democratic Party

Legislative history of Renzi Government

February 2014

On 14 February, 2014, the Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, taking note of the approval by a large majority by the Central Committee of the Democratic Party [8] of a proposal by the Democratic Party Secretary Renzi to give life to a new government, tendered his irrevocable resignation [9][10] to the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, who accepted it and gave life immediately to consultations with speakers of the House of Deputies and of the Senate, as well as with delegations of MPs for each political party. The Northern League Party and the Five Star Movement decide not to take part in such consultations.[11]

On 14 February, 2014, the President of the Republic assigned the task of forming a new government to the Secretary of the Democratic Party Matteo Renzi, who reserved the right to accept,[12] also informing the Speakers of both Houses. On 18 February 2014 and 19 February 2014 the Prime Minister held consultations with the parliamentary groups of both Houses of Parliament.[13] On 21 February 2014, Matteo Renzi went to the President of the Republic and communicated his decision to become Prime Minister, presenting a list of 16 Ministers.

On 22 February, 2014, Matteo Renzi and 15 ministers took the oath before the President of the Republic at the Quirinale Palace.[14] After the handover with the former Prime Minister Enrico Letta, Renzi presided over the first Cabinet Meeting, in which the Ministers without portfolio were assigned their briefs and Graziano Delrio was appointed Under-Secretary of State at the Prime Minister’s Office, as well as Cabinet Secretary.

On 24 February 24, 2014, Prime Minister Renzi presented his Government’s program in the Senate and, after almost 11 hours of debate, his government obtained the Senate’s vote of confidence, with 169 voting in favor and 139 against. On 25 February 2014, the government also obtained the vote of confidence vote of the House of Deputies, with 378 votes in favour, 220 against and 1 abstention.

On 28 February, 2014, The Italian Cabinet appointed forty four under-secretaries, who in the evening took the oath before Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.[15]

March 2014

On 3 March, 2014, after several days of controversy, the new Under Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport, Antonio Gentile tendered his resignation.

On March 12, 2014, after two days of voting, the Chamber of Deputies approved in first reading the new electoral law Italicum with 365 votes in favour, 156 against and 40 abstentions. A number of controversies surrounded the failure to introduce preferential votes favouring gender equality.

On 12 March, 2014, the Italian Cabinet issued a law- decree on fixed-term contracts, called the Poletti Decree, as well as a Bill proposing a reform on the Italian labor market called "Jobs Act" [16] A reduction in the tax burden of about €80 was announced for those earning less than 1500 Euros per month.

On 26 March, 2014, despite the controversy raised by several parties belonging to the majority coalition, the government won a confidence vote in the Senate on the Delrio Bill reforming the provinces, with 160 voting in favour and 133 against. Subsequently also the Chamber of Deputies approved the Bill on 3 April 2014.

April 2014

On 18 April, 2014, the Italian Cabinet approved a law-decree which provided for the reduction of Income Tax for employees and assimilated workers earning up to €24,000 gross per year. The net monthly salary was foreseen to increase by €80, through a tax credit from the month of May 2014.

On 30 April, 2014. Matteo Renzi, together with the Minister for the Public Administration Marianna Madia, presented the guidelines for the reform of the Public Administration, subsequently approved by the Cabinet on 13 June 2014.

May 2014

On 6 May, 2014, the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Senate approved the Government’s Bill on the reform of the Italian Senate.[17]

On 8 May, 2014, the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi signed an agreement with Shanghai Electrics concerning Ansaldo.

On 21 May, 2014, an agreement was signed between the Government, Sardinia Region and the Qatar Foundation to bring 1 billion euro investment and thousands of jobs to Sardinia.

On 22 May, 2014, the Italian Cabinet of Ministers approved the Law-decree on culture for the preservation of the Italian historic, artistic and cultural heritage.

On 25 May, 2014, the Democratic Party, which was the main supporter of the government and was also the party of the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, won the 2014 European elections with 40.81% of the votes.

August 2014

On 1 August, 2014, the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi explained in a press conference the guidelines of Law-decree called "Sblocca Italia" or "Unlock Italy", which, in the intentions of the Government, is to facilitate the implementation of major projects, civil works and infrastructure that are currently suspended, as well as achieve further administrative simplification. A month of public consultations would take place in relation to such guidelines.

On 8 August, 2014, the Italian Cabinet Cabinet approved a law-decree contrasting the phenomenon of lawlessness and violence at sporting events and provided for the international protection of migrants.

On 8 August, 2014, the Senate approved the constitutional reform proposed by the government with 183 votes in favour, and 4 abstentions.[18]

On 8 August, 2014, the two Houses of Parliament approved of the decrees on Competitiveness, Public Administration and Prisons, which become law..

On 29 August, 2014, the Italian Cabinet approved the "Unblock Italy" Law-Decree and Justice Reform, dividing it into a Law-Decree for the disposal of the backlog in civil proceedings, and Law-Decrees relating to the fight against organized crime and illegal assets, the civil liability of judges, the efficiency of civil trials, as well as a comprehensive reform of the judiciary and a reform of Book XI of the Italian Code of criminal Procedure.

September 2014

On 1 September, 2014, the Italian Prime Minister explained in a press conference that the site "" would allow citizens to monitor the progress of the government’s program.

On 3 September, 2014, the "Millegiorni" website provided guidelines on the reform of the school that will be subject to consultation for two months.

October 2014

On 8 October, 2014, the Italian Senate approved the so-called Jobs Act, with 165 voting in favour and 111 against. The provision was criticized by the CGIL trade union and the Senators Felice Casson, Corradino Mineo and Lucrezia Ricchiuti , who did not take part in the vote.

On 8 October, 2014, the Italian Prime Minister presented the Italian Finance Bill (or Legge di Stabilità). [19]

December 2014

Following approval of the Jobs Act by the Italian Parliament (Delegation Law No. 183 December 10, 2014), the Italian Cabinet issued on December 24, 2014, the first legislative decree concerning contracts with growing protection. [20]


  1. "Renzi: con 47, 8 anni di media, è il governo più giovane di sempre". Corriere Della Sera. 21 February 2014. Retrieved 23 February 2014.
  2. "Matteo Renzi presenta il governo: "Metà sono donne, mi gioco la faccia"". TGCOM24. 21 February 2014. Retrieved 23 February 2014.
  3. "Matteo Renzi unveils a new Italian government with familiar problems". Guardian. 22 February 2014. Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  4. Mogherini was appointed High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy in the Juncker Commission.
  5. Lupi resigned following a corruption scandal involving public works on infrastructure, in which his name was cited several times.
  6. Lanzetta accepted the appointment as regional assessor in the cabinet of Mario Oliverio, President of Calabria.
  7. Delrio sworn in as Minister of Infrastructure and Transport
  8. "Apriamo una fase nuova,". Partito Democratico. Retrieved 8 March 2014.
  9. "il Presidente Napolitano ha ricevuto il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Letta,". Presidenza della Repubblica Italiana. Retrieved 8 March 2014.
  10. "Enrico Letta si è dimesso,". Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri. Retrieved 8 March 2014.
  11. "Salvini, Lega domani non andrà a consultazioni,". Lega Nord. Retrieved 8 March 2014.
  12. "Il M5S non va alle consultazioni farsa di Napolitano,". Movimento 5 Stelle. Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  13. "Camera, Laura Boldrini riceve Matteo Renzi,". Camera dei Deputati. Retrieved 17 February 2014.
  14. "Al via le consultazioni di Renzi. Ecco il calendario,". ASCA. Retrieved 18 February 2014.
  15. "Di ritorno dall'estero, giurerà due giorni più tardi,". Carlo Padoan. Retrieved 8 March 2014.
  16. "The Jobs Act arrives at Italian Senate". TheRword September Editorial. Retrieved 21 October 2014.
  17. "The Senate Reform,". TheRword October Editorial. Retrieved 22 October 2014.
  18. "The Senate Reform,". TheRword October Editorial. Retrieved 22 October 2014.
  19. "The New Legge di Stabilità 2015,". TheRword News. Retrieved 22 October 2014.
  20. "A detailed explanation of the Legislative Decree on Increasing Protection Employment Contracts,". TheRword Editorial. Retrieved 28 December 2014.

External links