Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region
The Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region is a region in Saskatchewan, Canada. Primarily based in the city of Regina, the health region operates out of 8 hospitals, 10 community health centers, xx long term care facilities, and numerous long term care facilities and clinics. [1]
Major Referral Hospitals
The city of Regina has two major hospitals that serve the local community as well as being referral centers within the region and province:
- Pasqua Hospital
- Regina General Hospital
Regional Rural Hospitals
The following regional hospitals are located in larger communities within the region:
- All Nations' Healing Hospital (Fort Qu'Appelle)
- Balcarres Integrated Care Centre (Balcarres)
- Broadview Hospital (Broadview)
- Indian Head Hospital (Indian Head)
- Southeast Integrated Care Centre Moosomin
- Wolseley Memorial Hospital (Wolseley)