Refract Studios

Refract Studios is an indie video game manufacturing company. The main participants in the company include Kyle Holdwick, Jordan Hemenway, and Jason Nollan. On November 16, 2012, Refract successfully funded a game called Distance using Kickstarter.[1]


Before the creation of Refract, the members of this company attended DigiPen, Institute of Technology, at which they worked on many games that became IGF finalists, including Subsonic, Solstice, and Solace.[2] But the game that earned Refract the most attention was Nitronic Rush, a survival racing game that has had over 1 million downloads worldwide.[3] After graduating college, updates to Nitronic Rush were still being made, and the game kept improving. But on October 16, 2012, Refract studios was born as producers Kyle, Jordan, and Jason officially discontinued updates, and instead unveiled a secret project they had been producing: Distance, the "spiritual successor to Nitronic Rush".
