Red Rocket Rising
"Red Rocket Rising" is the first single by BeForU with Avex Trax. It was released on November 1, 2006. The title "Red Rocket Rising" is often shortened to Rx3. (Not to be confused with the BEMANI song R3 by tiger YAMATO)
CD Side
- Red Rocket Rising – 3:58
- Melody Life eco – 3:58
- LOVE♥SHINE' 06 – 3:20
- Red Rocket Rising ~Instrumental~ – 3:58
- Melody Life eco ~Instrumental~ – 3:57
- LOVE♥SHINE' 06 ~Instrumental~ – 3:18
DVD Side
Red Rocket Rising ~ANIMATION CLIP~
Albums Details
Performed by
- BeForU <1>
- Noria <2>
- Riyu Kosaka <3>
Composed by
- LOVE+HATE <1,4>
- Takayuki Ishikawa <2,5>
- Naoki Maeda <3,6>
Lyrics by
- Riyu Kosaka <1,3>
- Noria <2>