Red Menace (comics)

Red Menace

Cover of the first issue
Publication information
Publisher Wildstorm
Schedule Monthly
Format Mini-series
    Publication date January 2007 -
    Number of issues Six
    Main character(s) Steve Temaine
    Tommy Woods
    Creative team
    Writer(s) Danny Bilson, Paul DeMeo and Adam Brody
    Penciller(s) Jerry Ordway
    Inker(s) Al Vey
    Colorist(s) Jonny Rench

    Red Menace is a six issue American comic book limited series published in 2007 by Wildstorm Productions.

    The setting of this story is Los Angeles in 1953 at the time of Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee trials.

    Plot summary

    At one of the House of Un-American Activities Committee trials, a hero named "The Eagle" unmasks himself as World War II veteran Steve Tremaine. The Committee uses his war time friendship with Ivan "The Bear" Petrovich, a hero to the Soviet Union to brand him as a communist and bans him from being the Eagle. By the next day, every newspaper calls him "Red Menace."

    Despite the government's banning of his vigilantism, The Eagle continues to sneak out at night and fight crime. He keeps in touch with his old friend Petrovich as well. Unknowingly, Tremaine leads a group of anti-communist extremists to Petrovich's location after they listen in on a conversation between the two. Petrovich is then brutally murdered by the men. Upon hearing the news, Tremaine is driven to a deep depression that leads him to heavy drinking for a period of more than three weeks. At a scuffle with some men at a bar over Tremaine's alleged communist sympathies, Tremaine is introduced to a young superhero called the Gray Falcon who fights crime, inspired by The Eagle's efforts.


    The limited series has been collected into a trade paperback:


    External links


    1. Three, different reviews at Comics Bulletin
    2. Two reviews, Comics Bulletin
    3. Review, Comics Bulletin
    4. Review, Comics Bulletin
    5. Review, Comics Bulletin
    6. Review, Comics Bulletin