Red Dawn (audio drama)

Red Dawn
Album cover
Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Doctor Who
Release number 8
Featuring Fifth Doctor
Writer Justin Richards
Director Gary Russell
Producer(s) Gary Russell
Jason Haigh-Ellery
Executive producer(s) Jacqueline Rayner
Production code 6QA
Set between Planet of Fire and
Length 1 hr 26 mins
Release date May 2000
Preceded by The Genocide Machine
Followed by The Spectre of Lanyon Moor

Red Dawn is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.


During NASA's first manned mission to Mars, the Fifth Doctor and Peri encounter one of the Doctor's old adversaries — the Ice Warriors.

This episode addresses issue of scientific and industrial ethics.



This is Peri's first adventure after Planet of Fire and the rest of the adventures and companions that join, fill the gap between Planet of Fire and The Caves of Androzani.

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