
Rebita is a traditional music and dance that originated in Angola during the Portuguese colonialism. It is a genre of music and dance of Angolan hall that shows the vanity of gentlemen and ladies of adornment. Danced in couples in choreography coordinated by the head of the wheel, perform gestures gesturing bounties of the city light of their ladies, marking the compass step Massemba. The charm of the gentlemen and ladies are notorious vanity; while dancing in the hall continues to develop the exchange of glances and smiles between the pair are frequent. It is danced in marking two times through the song's melody and rhythm instruments.

Rebita Bands and Musicians

In the history of rebita music there are few bands and musicians that standout and made a significant progress and development in the musical style, such as: Os Kiezos, Os Bongos, Super Renovacao, Africa Ritmos, Aguias Reais and Tchinina, Divicky, Paulino Pinheiro Tony Von and Minguito.


See also