Rebelión is a nonprofit news site, started in Spain at the end of 1996 by a group of journalists.[1] It contains scientific and opinion articles covering topics such as, current affairs, free knowledge, culture, ecology, economics, and resistance to globalization.[2] Texts by and translations to Spanish of authors like Heinz Dieterich, Noam Chomsky, Marta Harnecker, Eduardo Galeano, José Saramago, Gabriel García Márquez, Julio Anguita, Vicenç Navarro and Ralph Nader[3] have been included in Rebelión.


Richard Stallman talking about with wikipedians (Wikimania 2009)

Rebelión has published two collective books, with the help of their regular columnists, who ceded their texts for the edition in paper. El caso Venezuela 11-04-02 [Translation: The Venezuelan Case 11-04-02].[4] The following journalists participated in this edition: Ignacio Ramonet (director of Le Monde Diplomatique), Stella Calloni (La Jornada), Enrique Ortega (Resumen Latinoamericano), Antonio Maira (Cádiz Rebelde), Eva Bjorklund (Revista Kuba de Suecia), and the intellectuals Santiago Alba Rico y Carlos Fernández Liria.[5]

The second work was entitled Washington contra el mundo [Translation: Washington against the World].[6] This book, dealing with recent events, was a selection of 24 articles written by 18 authors from 7 different countries, who regularly collaborate with Rebelión. Noam Chomsky, James Petras, Eduardo Galeano, Vázquez Montalbán, Carlos Taibo, Julio Anguita, Edward Said, Michel Collon, Gary Lupp, Michel Chossudovsky, John Brown, Santiago Alba Rico, Michael Parenti, Simón Royo, Pascual Serrano, Roni Ben Efrat and Javier Barreda participated in this selection.[7] The book has a prologue by the journalist and writer Javier Ortiz and was published by Editorial Akal.

Another book is La batalla de los intelectuales: nuevo discurso de las armas y las letras ("The battle of intellectuals: new discourse about weapons and letters")[8] by the playwright Alfonso Sastre. In its second edition, it included several texts about the debate developed in Rebelión after its first edition.[9]


  1. "Felap apoya al sitio contra amenazas del diario El País de España" (in Spanish).
  2. "List of academic websites" (in Spanish).
  3. Nader, Ralph. "Las listas de condenados a muerte y la Constitución". Rebelion. Retrieved 3 December 2012.
  4. Alegre, Luis (ed.). Periodismo y crimen. El caso Venezuela 11-04-02. Published by Hondarribia, Guipúzcoa: Argitaletxe HIRU, in 2002. OCLC 51607583
  5. "Periodismo y crimen | El caso Venezuela 11-04-02" (in Spanish). Retrieved 2008-06-20.
  6. Washington contra el mundo, by several authors, published in 2003, by Madrid: Foca Ediciones. OCLC 52213854.
  7. "Washington contra el mundo" (in Spanish). Retrieved 2008-06-20.
  8. (Spanish) Sastre, Alfonso. La batalla de los intelectuales: nuevo discurso de las armas y las letras, published in 2003, by La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales. OCLC 57469980.
  9. "La Batalla de los Intelectuales o Nuevo Discurso de las Armas y las Letras" (in Spanish). 2005. Retrieved 2008-06-20.

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