Real tree

In mathematics, a real tree, or an \mathbf R-tree, is a metric space (M,d) such that for any x, y in M there is a unique arc from x to y. Here by an arc from x to y we mean the image in M of a topological embedding f from an interval [a,b] to M such that f(a)=x and f(b)=y (for some real numbers a and b). Note that uniqueness refers to the image in M. Moreover, by choosing a and b so that d(x, y)=|a-b| and using arclength parametrization for the interval [a, b], we may assume that this arc is a geodesic segment. The condition that the arc is a geodesic segment means that the map f above is an isometric embedding, that is, for every z, t in [a,b] we have d(f(z), f(t))=|z-t|.

Equivalently, a geodesic metric space M is a real tree if and only if M is a δ-hyperbolic space with δ=0.

Complete real trees are injective metric spaces (Kirk 1998).

There is a theory of group actions on R-trees, known as the Rips machine, which is part of geometric group theory.

Simplicial R-trees

A simplicial R-tree is an R-tree that is free from certain "topological strangeness". More precisely, a point x in an R-tree T is called ordinary if Tx has exactly two components. The points which are not ordinary are singular. We define a simplicial R-tree to be an R-tree whose set of singular points is discrete and closed.


See also
