Read-only right moving Turing machines

Read-only right moving Turing machines are a particular type of Turing machine.


The definition based on a single infinite tape defined to be a 7-tuple

M= \langle Q, \Gamma, b, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F \rangle where

In the case of these types of Turing Machines, the only movement is to the right. There must exist at least one element of the set F (a HALT state) for the machine to accept a regular language (Not in including the empty language).

An example Read Only right moving Turing machine

Q = { A, B, C, HALT }
Γ = { 0, 1 }
b = 0 = "blank"
Σ = \varnothing, empty set
δ = see state-table below
q0 = A = initial state
F = the one element set of final states {HALT}

State table for 3 state, 2 symbol read only machine:

Current state A: Current state B: Current state C:
Write symbol: Move tape: Next state: Write symbol: Move tape: Next state: Write symbol: Move tape: Next state:
tape symbol is 0: 1 R B 1 R A 1 R B
tape symbol is 1: 1 R C 1 R B 1 N HALT

See also
