Raymond R. Rogers

Raymond R. Rogers is a professor and chair of geology at Macalester College.[1] He earned his B.S. in geology from Northern Arizona University in 1985, his M.S. from the University of Montana in 1989, and his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1995[2] Rogers' specializations are as a sedimentary geologist and taphonomist, with a focus on the study of terrestrial and marginal marine depositional systems, particularly those with abundant fossils.[3] He is one of the editors of the book Bonebeds: Genesis, Analysis, and Paleobiological Significance, from the University Of Chicago Press (2008).


  1. "Raymond R. Rogers". press.uchicago.edu. 12 December 2012. Retrieved 6 November 2014.
  2. "Professor Rogers webpage". macalester.ed. Retrieved 6 November 2014.