
Riyat (ਰਾਇਤ in Gurmukhi, Riyat & राइत in Devnagri) is a surname in the Ramgarhia and Dhiman Brahman. They are followers of the Sikh and Hindu religion in Punjab. Riyat, Rayat, Ryatt, Riat, Riyatt, Ryat, Rayatt, Ryait, Rayit are actually same despite of different spellings. They are basically from Punjab and adjoining areas of Punjab and have moved to different parts of the world, many of which are settled in East Africa, UK and Canada. They are mostly in professions such as Engineering, Architecture, Medicine, Business, Finance, etc.

Hindu Riyats are descendants of Lord Vishwakarma, and have a position equal to Brahmins. In Hindu mythology, Vishwakarma is considered as the Divine Architect. He is called 'Devashilpi' or 'The Architect of Gods'. He is the "Principal Universal Architect", the architect who fabricated and designed the divine architecture of the Universe at the behest of Brahma, the Lord of Creation. The Rig Veda describes Vishwakarma as the god with multi-dimensional vision and supreme strength. He is able to predict well in advance in which direction his creation will move. Hindus worship Lord Vishwakarma as the god of engineering and architecture. He is the revealer of the science of mechanics and architecture, which is called Sthapatya Veda.