Ravina II

Rabbinical Eras
For the Amora sage of the 5th and 6th generation, see: Ravina I.

Ravina II (Hebrew: 专讘 讗讘讬谞讗 讘专 专讘 讛讜谞讗 or 专讘讬谞讗 讛讗讞专讜谉) was a Jewish Talmudist and rabbi, accounted as an Amora sage of the 8th generation of the Amora era. In 475 CE, he finished editing the Gemara portion of the Talmud Bavli, completing the work of his teacher Rav Ashi. ("Babylonian Talmud".) He was also a nephew of Ravina I. He was a leader for 22 years.