Raven: The Secret Temple

Raven: The Secret Temple
Genre Children's
Game Show
Starring James Mackenzie
Tara Sharma
Theme music composer David Brockett
Country of origin United Kingdom
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 1
No. of episodes 20
Location(s)  India
Original channel BBC
Original run 6 – 31 August 2007
External links

Raven: The Secret Temple is a BBC Scotland children's adventure game show, and the second spin-off to the main series, Raven. It comprises one series, which aired first on the CBBC Channel, and then during CBBC on BBC One in the United Kingdom, in 2007. In this series, warriors compete as teams and attempt to collect as many jewels as possible by completing fourteen tasks, so that they may find and enter the Secret Temple.


     For more information of the plot arc over the course of the series, see Challenges.

After his homeland is held frozen captive under the icy grip of his enemy, the evil Nevar,Raven travels to a distant, Eastern land, with sixteen of his young warriors in the hopes of finding the Secret Temple. Within the temple lies the elixir that will restore his homeland to its former glory and release his land from Nevar's spell. In the East, he finds an ally in Satyarani, who will guide Raven and his warriors to the temple, but only if they prove their worthiness by completing fourteen perilous tasks; only the strongest warrior will be able to enter the temple and retrieve the elixir from within.


Similar to Raven, the series features a set of challenges that warriors must undertake, with the sixteen warriors being whittled down over time as warriors are lost during each challenge. However, in contrast, the warriors are split into four teams of four, each under a different standard and different colour of clothing: the Panthers (purple), the Eagles (red), the Wolves (orange) and the Tigers (yellow). Each has a team leader, which was decided initially by two challenges for each team, the winner becoming the leader. Each day, the teams complete (separately) one of fourteen different challenges in an attempt to collect jewels, which may be used to bring a team member back should they be eliminated.

In further contrast to the main Raven series, there are no lives for each warrior. If a warrior is lost during a challenge, for instance, running out of time in a timed game, the warrior is eliminated. Satyarani, who governs the rules of the challenges, decrees that a warrior may be brought back in exchange for eight jewels, should the team choose to do so; however, this may only occur once for each warrior. Should a warrior be eliminated twice, they may not be brought back, regardless of whether the team has enough jewels to do so.


Raven (James Mackenzie): Raven returns in this series, travelling to a distant Eastern land to guide the sixteen warriors through their quest to discover the Secret Temple and find the sacred elixir within that will restore his homeland. He must also ensure their safety by battling Nevar and the demons he has brought with him.

Nevar (in this series, Nageswara Rao): After freezing Raven's homeland, the mysterious cloaked, dark figure follows Raven to the Eastern land to attempt to stop his warriors from completing their quest, commanding an army of demons and using an all-seeing eye, a dish of water through which he can spy on Raven and his warriors as they complete their quest. He is referred to as the Dark One by Satyarani.

Satyarani (Tara Sharma): Satyarani is a friend and ally of Raven's. A princess, fashioned from the earth itself and with the ability to transport herself through the air in the form of a dust cloud, she inhabits the Eastern land and guides the warriors through challenges, helping Raven on the journey to the Secret Temple. Perhaps less compassionate, and more doubting than Raven about his warriors, she often visits them at the start and the end of the day to question them about the choices they have made.


Sixteen warriors started the quest, with four to each team; the leader for each team was decided on the first day through two trials. As with the main Raven series, each warrior is given their own warrior name, comprising a mix of letters from the first name and surname. Each team has distinct colours reflected in their standards and their Eastern-inspired outfits.

The teams and warriors are listed below, with yellow cells indicating the warrior went through to the finals. The warrior in gold indicates the winner, silver for second place and bronze for third.

Panthers Warrior Name Real Name Elimination 1 Elimination 2 Result
Sonro (L1)*** Rob McPherson Field Of The Dead ^ 1st
Arton Jonathan Strachan Obelisks of the Sun Chariots 14th
Aksu (L2) Supriya Chak The Gulley + 9th
Yonra Robyn Leonard Temple Spirit Run The Gulley + 7th
Eagles Warrior Name Real Name Elimination 1 Elimination 2 Result
Yeada (L) Thea Day Stepping Stones Snakes and Ladders + 6th
Taylan Angus Taylor Thrall Threads Snake Charmer + 5th
Karja Janhvi Devalekar The Way Of The Dead + 4th
Samra Raghav Rayasam Stepping Stones ** 12th
Wolves Warrior Name Real Name Elimination 1 Elimination 2 Result
Desot (L) Tom Isted Field of the Dead The Gulley + 8th
Lymel Clemmie Bailey Thrall Threads Stepping Stones 10th
Tibor Rob Whitmore Temple Spirit Run ** 16th
Nebra Sanchia Erboks Thrall Threads ** 15th
Tigers Warrior Name Real Name Elimination 1 Elimination 2 Result
Marca (L) Carys Thomas Thrall Threads Chamber of the Three-Headed Serpent + 3rd
Sohar Charlotte Moss-McCrory Chamber of the Three-Headed Serpent + 2nd
Jenro Joseph Turner Waters of Time * 13th
Hadav Diveakksh Schae Pillars of Courage Chariots 11th

[*] Not enough jewels to be brought back.

[**] Team elected not to bring the warrior back.

[***] Stripped of leadership after being brought back.

+ Elimination on final challenges with no option to bring back


Seven virtues must be completed before the warriors may enter the Secret Temple, and each has two trials for the warriors to complete, making fourteen challenges in all. In each challenge, four jewels are available to be won.


Eliminations: Tibor of the Wolves and Yonra of the Panthers, only Yonra was brought back.

Eliminations: Jenro of the Tigers, who wasn't brought back as the team didn't have enough jewels to do so, also, Jenro had injured his hip during the challenge. Jenro was about to get his jewel but the drum sounded and the serpent took him as he was tipping the water in.


Eliminations: Arton of the Panthers, who was brought back. He was about to put his final piece on when the drum sounded.

Eliminations: Arton of the Panthers and Hadav of the tigers, who couldn't be brought back because both of them have been eliminated for the second time. Lymel was too ill to do the chariot challenge, so Desot got her gem for her


Eliminations: Yeada and Samra of the Eagles and Lymel of the Wolves. Lymel couldn't be brought back because she had already been eliminated twice, Desot told her not to go for any jewels but she did. In the Eagles, only Yeada was brought back.

Eliminations: Lymel and Nebra of the Wolves, Marca of the Tigers and Taylan of the Eagles. Nebra was not brought back. The others were.


warrior's quest come to an abrupt end. Jewel bags are suspended above each pillar for those warriors brave enough to reach high above them.

Eliminations: Hadav of the Tigers, who was brought back.


Eliminations: Desot of the Wolves and Sonro of the Panthers, who were both brought back. The remaining Panthers, Aksu and Yonra, decided to have Aksu take Sonro's place as leader.


Failures: The Wolves


The Gulley

At the conclusion of the fourteen tasks, Satyarani allowed passage to the finals for the team with the most jewels gained from the tasks. Of the remaining three teams, only those that were able to complete The Gulley were allowed through. This challenge consisted of a crawl underneath a rope section where Aksu was about to get up but was eliminated, followed by shields on ropes where Desot had trouble which the warriors had to pull, and finally a climb over a wall of boulders and Yonra was about to get up when she was blasted by Nevar. Three warriors fell in the Gulley and hence did not go forward to the final: Aksu and Yonra of the Panthers, and Desot of the Wolves.

Temple Challenges

An additional set of challenges were then posed for the remaining warriors, who grouped together as one team, initially under the leadership of Yeada. Elimination in any of these challenges ended the warrior's quest, and eliminated warriors are marked in bold in the challenges listed, which are also listed in the order they were played. Yeada, the leader, was the first to be eliminated; Taylan was then elected leader. On Taylan's elimination, the warriors rolled their dice to decide the leader, and Sohar rolled the highest number, becoming the next leader.

Meanwhile, as the action moves from outside to the Citadel, Raven has doubts as to whether Satyarani is correct about the demons' supposed inability to cross the Citadel walls when he believes that he sees demons seemingly walking through them, and grows increasingly frustrated with the further tests and his inability to guard his warriors, at Satyarani's insistence. Although Raven finds the tests unusual and seemingly without aim, she explains that the tests are showing her who are the strongest warriors: Vajra Scales demonstrates who was thinking clearly, and who was not; Snakes and Ladders shows who had the instinct to survive; and Catapult Drop showed who remained calm in the face of adversity. Whilst Raven initially expresses disbelief that a warrior may be eliminated due to chance in Snake Charmer, Satyarani explains that it is a test of nerve and bravery, as each warrior must volunteer to take their turn.

First day

Second day

Third day

Note: There was only 1 snake.

Fourth day

At this point, Raven decides to join the warriors to the end of the quest. Satyarani agrees, but warns him that he must not enter the final chamber, lest the walls collapse, for only mortals may enter the chamber. He waits patiently outside the chamber.

While this is going on, Satyarani begins to summon Nevar.

Final Challenge

When told about the loss of two of the three warriors by Satyarani, who watches through a viewing portal, Raven is determined to protect the sole survivor. Satyarani informs Raven that he may look into the chamber, but that placing a foot in the chamber will bring it down around him. However in Escape from the Underworld, Nevar appears, and is close to eliminating Sonro with his Staff of Power when Raven intervenes, and a battle ensues, allowing Sonro to escape with Satyarani's assistance.

With Sonro entering the correct number and escaping, Raven and Nevar fight. Raven manages to temporarily overpower Nevar, and offers him a chance for redemption by stepping into the temple and healing himself with the elixer. Nevar then tries to attack Raven again, and wrest his staff from him. The attack forces Raven into the temple, causing its collapse. Satyarani congratulates Sonro outside the temple, but informs him of the loss of Raven. However, all is not as it seems, for Raven joins the successful warrior and Satyarani outside, having transformed into his bird form and escaped, flying faster than a man can flee.

Sonro gains a Golden Staff for being the victorious warrior, and is to be known as "Sonro, Guardian of the Golden Staff, Hero of the Eastern Land, Conqueror of the Secret Temple". Raven takes the elixir, and with it, he will be able to restore his homeland. Satyarani returns to her land, and Sonro and Raven begin their journey home.

Nevar has seemingly perished in the ruins of the temple; however, at the end of the final credits, his eye is seen to open beneath his mask - clearly, he has not been vanquished as Raven and Satyarani had thought.

See also

External links