Raumanmeri school shooting

Raumanmeri school shooting
Location Raumanmeri secondary school, Rauma, Finland
Date 24 January 1989
Attack type
School shooting, murder
Weapons Pistol
Deaths 2
Perpetrator An unnamed then-14-year-old student at Raumanmeri secondary school
Motive School bullying

The Raumanmeri school shooting was a school shooting that occurred on 24 January 1989 at the Raumanmeri secondary school in Rauma, Finland. It was the first-ever school shooting in the history of Finland.[1] A then-14-year-old student at the Raumanmeri secondary school fatally shot two[2] of his classmates using a pistol that belonged to his father.[3] The shooter had claimed to be a victim of bullying. Due to the perpetrator being under the age of 15, he never faced any criminal charges for the attack.

See also


  1. "School Shootings Rare in Finland". YLE. 2007-11-07. Retrieved 2007-11-07.
  2. N Lyytinen (2010). "Posttraumatic stress symptoms among school personnel after the Jokela school shooting". University of Helsinki. Retrieved December 18, 2012.
  3. Oksanen, Atte (January 1, 2011). "Cultural and peer influences on homicidal violence: A Finnish perspective". Academia.edu. Retrieved December 18, 2012.