Ranno (Urdu: رنو) is a village in Jaunpur district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Ranno is located in the Purwanchal region, between Jaunpur and Badlapur. Its coordinates are 25°49'45"N 82°32'18"E.
Ranno village is located in Jaunpur district in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh(UP). It has seven sub villages including Dakhin Patti, Uttar patti, Barre Patti-Sadruddin pur, Pura Sherkhan, Mohmmad pur and Mehman pur, with a combined population of nearly 2000. There are significant Muslim and Hindu populations in the region, with Muslims being the majority, but there is no conflict between these groups. Ranno has a good literacy rate, but overall state of education needs improvement. There are many engineers, doctors and government employees.
Ranno Amari is a major event conducted by the residents, which attracts a big crowd from all around India. It is an event carried out to mourn for the 72 martyrs of Karbala, Iraq. It is one of the largest peaceful gatherings in India. A 100 foot tall flag(Alam) is hoisted every year for this event.