Rangers First

Rangers First is a Community interest company whose members are supporters of Rangers Football Club.


Formed in 2014, it is the largest independent Fanownership group associated with the Club. The first meeting which led to the establishment of Rangers First took place at the Louden Tavern on Feb 14th 2014.

A member of Supporters Direct Council, Richard Atkinson, was invited to present by the owner of the Louden Tavern, Robert Marshall, on what the options and experience of Fan ownership models in Scotland were to date

This was an open meeting and all fans and supporters Clubs were invited to attend. The idea presented to an audience of approx 120 people the options for a new organisation to be set up dedicated to the purchasing of shares in the Club in order to achieve real influence by fans over the board room of the Club

As a result of this meeting the room unanimously voted to continue meeting together over subsequent weeks and this led to the establishment of Rangers First a few weeks later.

The name Rangers First was suggested at the second open meeting held at the Louden

Current shareholding

Since its creation it now owns more than 2,000,000 shares and has over 12,000 members.



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