Ramble House

Ramble House is a small American publisher founded by Fender Tucker and Jim Weiler in 1999. The press specializes in reprints of long-neglected and rare crime fiction novels, modern crime fiction, 'weird menace' / 'shudder pulps' - short story collections from rare pulp magazines, and scholarly works by noted authors on the crime fiction genre, and a host of other diverse books of a collectible or curious nature. Apart from its main publishing arm, Ramble House has two imprints: Surinam Turtle Press and Dancing Tuatara Press, headed by author Richard A. Lupoff and John Pelan respectively.

Ramble House titles were originally handmade by Tucker in small crafted editions, but the growth in the publisher’s list together with print-on-demand technology led to the titles being available online now as trade paperback editions. Gavin L. O’Keefe is the cover designer for Ramble House books, creating many original new designs for the books or adapting existing art.

The publisher began with the mission of bringing every novel written by Harry Stephen Keeler into print; these were mostly reprinted, though a number were rescued from unpublished typescripts and published for the first time. The press went on to publish new works of scholarship devoted to Harry Stephen Keeler and Edward D. Wood, Jr., as well as titles focusing on the crime fiction genre authored by Anthony Boucher, Francis M. Nevins, and Jon L. Breen. Other titles have concerned true crime (Bill Johnson’s Satan’s Den Exposed and a collection of contemporary newspaper accounts of the Jack the Ripper murders) and American historical figures (The Amorous Intrigues & Adventures of Aaron Burr and Diary and Journal of John Surratt, Conspirator).

Other authors published by Ramble House include:
Max Afford
Marcel Allain
Herbert Asbury
L. Frank Baum
Norman Berrow
Wyatt Blassingame
Robert Campbell Bragg ("The N.R. De Mexico Novels")
John G. Brandon
Jon L. Breen
J. W. Brodie-Innes
George Bruce
Gelett Burgess
Arthur J. Burks
Miles Burton
Carol Carr
Lewis Carroll (aka Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)
Hugh B. Cave
Irvin S. Cobb
Phillip Condé
James Corbett
Harle Oren Cummins
Donald Dale (aka Mary Dale Buckner)
Roland Daniel
Rex Dark
Grania Davis
Weed Dickinson
John Douglas
Arlton Eadie
Federick G. Eberhard
Evelyn Elder
Bruce Elliott
Philip José Farmer
Adams Farr
Richard B. Gamon
Mort Gerberg
Richard E. Goddard
Ed Gorman
Russell Gray
H. B. Gregory
Mark Hansom
Ronald S. L. Harding
Jim Harmon
Clare Winger Harris
David Hayes ("Muddled Mind: Complete Works of Edward D. Wood, Jr.")
Ernest G.Henham
Morris Hershman
Fox B. Holden
David Hume
Wallace Irwin
Francis James
Malcolm Jameson
Maurice C. Johnson
Day Keene
David H. Keller
Coulson Kernahan
John H. Knox
Michael Kurland
Maurice Leblanc
Dion LeClerq
Robert H. Leitfred
Frank Belknap Long
E. C. R. Lorac
Gary Lovisi
Richard A. Lupoff
Jack Mann (aka E. Charles Vivian)
Virgil Markham
Walter S. Masterman
C. C. MacApp
Johnston McCulley
L. T. Meade & Robert Eustace
Sean M'Guire
Chris Mikul
J. M. A. Mills
Cary Moran
Jack Moskovitz
Francis M. Nevins
Douglas Newton
Richard O'Brien
Harvey O’Higgins
Elliott O'Donnell
Nicholas Olde
Milton K. Ozaki
Rupert Penny
Bill Pronzini & Barry N. Malzberg
E. R. Punshon
Garnett Radcliffe
Robert J. Randisi
James Reasoner
Mack Reynolds
Tod Robbins
Joel Townsley Rogers
Wayne Rogers
Sax Rohmer
R. R. Ryan
Robert O. Saber (aka Milton K. Ozaki)
Nat Schachner
Joseph Shallit
M. P. Shiel
Ralston Shields
Evelyn E. Smith
Edmund Snell
Barnard Stacey
Jimmy Starr
John Stephen Strange
Hake Talbot
William F. Temple
William Tevelein
Tiffany Thayer
Eugene Thomas
Ralph Trevor
Dave van Arnam & Ted White
George Sylvester Viereck
Manly Wade Wellman
Basil Wells
Carolyn Wells
H. G. Wells
Edward Lucas White
Ennis Willie
Cecil M. Wills
Herbert Emerson Wilson
Richard Wilson
Jack Woodford
Cornell Woolrich
Ernest Vincent Wright ("Gadsby")
Wade Wright
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Robert F. Young
Arthur Leo Zagat

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