Rail transport in Sierra Leone

Railway network of Sierra Leone - Tonkolili extension not shown

There are 84 kilometres of railway in Sierra Leone, all of which is private and of a narrow gauge, 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in). Sierra Leone no longer has any common carrier railroads, as the 762 mm (2 ft 6 in) gauge Sierra Leone Government Railway from Freetown through Bo to Kenema and Daru with a branch to Makeni closed in 1974. The country does not share rail links with adjacent countries, Guinea and Liberia.

The existing railway between the port of Pepel and the Marampa iron ore mine is being refurbished by African Minerals plc. This is a common carrier railway, but will be used predominantly for transporting iron ore. African Minerals is also constructing a new standard gauge railway from the Tonkolili iron ore mine to a new port at Tagrin Point.[1]

See also




  • Beale, Philip; Mitchell, Vic (2004). Sierra Leone Narrow Gauge. Narrow Gauge Branch Lines series. Midhurst, West Sussex, UK: Middleton Press. ISBN 9781904474289.

External links