Rafael Núñez (hacker)

Rafael Núñez (also known as RaFa) is a white hat computer hacker who used to be a member of the World of Hell back in 2001.

RaFa also figured in the book The Hacker Diaries: Confessions of Teenage Hackers (2002).[1]

Núñez was arrested on April 2, 2005 in Miami by US authorities for hacking into a United States Air Force computer and intentionally defacing and damaging the Defense Information Systems Agency. The charges claimed that the actions had taken place in 2001 and that investigators had spent four years identifying him.[2][3] He pleaded guilty to the charges but was allowed to return to Venezuela after serving only a few months in jail.[4]

Rafa has been interviewed by numerous industry trade journals, including The New York Times, Znet Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, BBC (see the interview), Business Week (see the interview), CNN, Univision, Gato Pardo Magazine, El Nacional, El Universal, Televisa, TeleSur, Venevision and many others; presented at numerous public speaking events around the world like a security information expert. He used to be a Host in a Podcast Technology Show called "Percepción 3.0" at one of the most visited news website in Latin America Noticias24.com

Currently Rafael Núñez is a partner in CleanPerception an Online Reputation Management Multinational Corporation and humble mission called FundaSitio.org who creates websites for foundations in Latin America.


  1. "The Hacker Diaries: Confessions of Teenage Hackers (2002) Google Books.
  2. Roberts, Paul. "Venezuelan arrested for '01 Air Force hacks". Computer World. Retrieved 3 November 2014.
  3. Lemos, Robert. "Campaign seeks to defang Rafa's hacker image". Security Focus. Retrieved 3 November 2014.
  4. "Web defacer sentenced, facing deportation". The Register. Retrieved 3 November 2014.

External links