Radical 82

For the ten stroke hair radical, see Radical 190.
Radical 82 (U+2F51)
(U+6BDB) "fur, hair"
Pinyin: máo
Bopomofo: ㄇㄠˊ
Wade–Giles: mao2
Jyutping: mou4
Cantonese Yale: mou4
Hiragana: ボウ, モウ bou, mou
け ke
Kanji: 毛 ke
Hangul: 털 teol
Sino-Korean: 모 mo

Radical 82 meaning "fur" or "hair" is 1 of 34 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 4 strokes. The character also refers to the Chinese leader, Mao Zedong, for whom it was his family name.

In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 211 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.

Characters with Radical 82

seal script character
strokes character
without additional strokes
3 additional strokes 毜 毝
4 additional strokes 毞 毟
5 additional strokes 毠 毡
6 additional strokes 毢 毣 毤 毥 毦 毧 毨 毩 毪
7 additional strokes 毫 毬 毭 毮
8 additional strokes 毯 毰 毱 毲 毳 毴 毵 毶
9 additional strokes 毷 毸 毹 毺 毻 毼 毽
10 additional strokes
11 additional strokes 毿 氀 氁 氂
12 additional strokes 氃 氄 氅 氆 氇
13 additional strokes 氈 氉 氊
14 additional strokes
15 additional strokes
18 additional strokes
22 additional strokes


External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Radical 082.