Radical 78
Radical 78 meaning "death" or "decay" is 1 of 34 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 4 strokes.
In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 231 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.
Characters with Radical 78
strokes | character |
without additional strokes | 歹 歺 |
2 additional strokes | 死 |
3 additional strokes | 歼 |
4 additional strokes | 歽 歾 歿 殀 殁 |
5 additional strokes | 殂 殃 殄 殅 殆 殇 |
6 additional strokes | 殈 殉 殊 残 |
7 additional strokes | 殌 殍 殎 殏 殐 殑 殒 殓 |
8 additional strokes | 殔 殕 殖 殗 殘 殙 殚 |
9 additional strokes | 殛 殜 |
10 additional strokes | 殝 殞 殟 殠 殡 |
11 additional strokes | 殢 殣 殤 殥 殦 |
12 additional strokes | 殧 殨 殩 殪 殫 |
13 additional strokes | 殬 殭 殮 |
14 additional strokes | 殯 |
15 additional strokes | 殰 殱 |
17 additional strokes | 殲 |
- Fazzioli, Edoardo (1987). Chinese calligraphy : from pictograph to ideogram : the history of 214 essential Chinese/Japanese characters. calligraphy by Rebecca Hon Ko. New York, 1987: Abbeville Press. ISBN 0-89659-774-1.
- Lunde, Ken (Jan 5, 2009). "Appendix J: Japanese Character Sets". CJKV Information Processing: Chinese, Japanese, Korean & Vietnamese Computing (Second Edition ed.). Sebastopol, Calif.: O'Reilly Media. ISBN 978-0-596-51447-1.
External links