Radical 147

Radical 147 (U+2F92)
(U+898B) "see"
Pinyin: jiàn
Bopomofo: ㄐㄧㄢˋ
Wade–Giles: chien4
Jyutping: gin3, jin6
Cantonese Yale: gin3
Hiragana: ケン ken
みる miru
Kanji: 見 miru
Hangul: 볼 bol
Sino-Korean: 견 gyeon

Radical 147 meaning "see" is 1 of 20 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 7 strokes.

In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 161 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.

Characters with Radical 147

seal script character
strokes character
without additional strokes
2 additional strokes 覌 覙
3 additional strokes 䙷 䙸 覍 覎
4 additional strokes 䙹 䙺 䙻 規 覐 覑 覒 覓 覔 視
5 additional strokes 䙼 䙽 䙾 䙿 覕 覗 覘 覚
6 additional strokes 䚀 䚁 覛 覜
7 additional strokes 䚂 䚃 覝 覞 覟 覠 覡
8 additional strokes 䚄 䚅 覢 覣 覤 覥
9 additional strokes 䚆 䚇 䚈 䚉 覦 覧 覨 覩 親
10 additional strokes 䚊 䚋 䚌 覫 覬 覭 覮 覯
11 additional strokes 䚍 䚎 覰 覱 覲 観
12 additional strokes 䚏 䚐 䚑 䚒 䚓 覴 覵 覶 覷 覸
13 additional strokes 覹 覺 覻
14 additional strokes 䚔 覼 覽
15 additional strokes 覾 覿
18 additional strokes
19 additional strokes
24 additional strokes


See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Radical 147.