Radiant (software)

Developer(s) John W. Long, Sean Cribbs, Jim Gay
Initial release June 26, 2006
Stable release 1.1.4[1] / September 24, 2013
Operating system Cross-platform
Platform Ruby on Rails
Type Content management system
License MIT
Website radiantcms.org

Radiant is a free software content management system written in Ruby created and designed by John W. Long as a Ruby on Rails web application. While suitable for the non-technical user, it also provides elements for more advanced users.

Radiant has a lightweight core library with "extensions" providing additional customised functionality. Because extensions do not modify the core, upgrading is simplified; With over 200 extensions in the extension registry[2] it can be adapted for a range of uses including membership management.[3] All the content is stored inside a database. It is possible to use MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite. Radiant depends, like every Ruby on Rails application, on the installed adapters for the database.

It is distributed via a separate download or installable with RubyGems.

Two PHP ports of Radiant CMS are available as Frog CMS and Wolf CMS.


Radiant projects are based on 3 elements: Pages, Snippets and Layouts.[4]

Pages: Pages hold the body content and can include multiple page parts such as a sidebar. Radiant allows arrangement of pages according to any hierarchy. For example, if Radiant is used as a blog, all blog entries are Pages inside the Radiant system, arranged to reflect the actual structure of the content. For the non-technical user WYSIWYG Page editing is available as an extension[5]

Snippets: Snippets are essentially just content that can be reused everywhere in the project and make page creation easier.

Layouts: Layouts define the general look of a Page much like a template. Upon Page creation, a Layout can be selected for this Page to be inserted in.

Radius Template Language

Inside a Page, Layout or Snippet, Radiant offers a special macro language, called Radius, that allows a user to include content from other pages, iterate over page children, and display content conditionally.

Radius tags are XML-like tags that start with "r:".

Here is an example of Radius tags inside page layout:

 <head><r:title /></head>
  <r:snippet name="header"/>
  <r:children:each limit="2">
   <r:content />
   <r:if_content part="sidebar">
    <div class="sidebar">
     <r:content part="sidebar" />
  <r:snippet name="footer" />


Radiant includes by default 2 extensions.

See also


External links