
Type Anti-tank rocket launcher[1]
Place of origin Russia
Service history
In service December 2011
Used by Russia
Production history
Designer State Research and Production Enterprise, Bazalt
Designed 2000s
Manufacturer State Research and Production Enterprise, Bazalt
Produced 2008
Variants RMG
Weight 12 kg (projectile)
Length 1200 mm

Caliber 125 mm
Action 1000+ mm: Rolled homogeneous armor after ERA
3000 mm: Brick
Effective firing range 300 m

The RPG-28 Klyukva ("Cranberry") is a Russian handheld anti-tank rocket launcher.


The RPG-28 was unveiled in 2007 at IDEX Abu Dhabi by the State Research and Production Enterprise, Bazalt as a modern anti-tank rocket launcher designed to defeat modern and future tanks with advanced reactive and composite armour as well as fortified infantry.[1] It was offered for export in 2008.[2] Officially adopted by the Russian Government in December 2011.[3]


The RPG-28 shares a close resemblance with the RPG-27 in that it is a portable, disposable anti-tank rocket launcher with a single shot capacity. The RPG-28 has a larger diameter round than the RPG-27 which enables the RPG-28 to achieve higher armour penetration performance. The PG-28 round is a 125-mm tandem shaped charge with a weight of 12-kg and a range of 300 meters. The round has a stated penetration capability in excess of 1000-mm RHA (after ERA) and 3000 mm of brick.[4] Loaded weight is 13.5-kg.[5]

RMG variant

The RMG is a smaller, multipurpose variant of the RPG-28 that is optimized for defeating light vehicles and infantry in cover. As a result, its penetration performance against tank armor is reduced.

The launcher carries a tandem warhead. The precursor high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead penetrates armour or other obstacles (reinforced concrete, masonry, etc.). The main warhead creates a fine explosive cloud and takes into the interior through the hole, pierced by the precursor charge. Detonation of the main warhead explosive boasts a multiple effects (high-explosive and incendiary).

The RMG rocket launcher ('RMG' stands for “Reaktivnaya Mnogotselevaya Granata” or rocket-propelled multi-purpose grenade) was developed by Bazalt in the early 2000s. As is the case with disposable anti-tank rocket launchers and multi-purpose assault weapons, the designation of the new rocket launcher is the designation of its round. The design project was supervised by leading designer S. Kh. Irtuganov.[6] Officially adopted by the Russian Government in December 2011.

See also


External links