RIOT (operating system)

OS family Embedded operating systems
Working state Current
Source model Open source
Platforms TI MSP430, ARM7, ARM Cortex-M3, ARM Cortex-M4
Kernel type Microkernel
License LGPLv2
Official website

RIOT is an open-source microkernel operating system for the Internet of Things. RIOT is licensed as LGPL and was initially developed by FU Berlin, INRIA and the HAW Hamburg.


RIOT is an operating system based on a microkernel architecture.[1] RIOT's kernel is mostly inherited from FireKernel,[2] a kernel which was originally developed for sensor networks.

Technical Aspects

RIOT allows C and C++ application programming, and contrary to other operating systems with similar memory footprint (such as TinyOS or Contiki) RIOT provides both full multi-threading and real-time capabilities.[3]

RIOT runs on 8-bit (such as AVR Atmega), 16-bit (such as TI MSP430) and 32-bit hardware (such as ARM Cortex).[4] A native port also enables RIOT to run as a Linux or MacOS process, enabling the use of standard development and debugging tools such as GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Debugger, Valgrind, Wireshark etc. RIOT is partly POSIX-compliant.

RIOT provides multiple network stacks,[5] including IPv6, 6LoWPAN and standard protocols such as RPL,[6] UDP, TCP and CoAP.

Source Code

The source code of RIOT is available on GitHub and is developed by an international community of open source developers.

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External links