Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles

In France, the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP) has been created by article L. 335-6 of the Code de l'éducation (Education Code).

The répertoire national des certifications professionnelles has for purpose to make available to individuals and businesses constantly update information on educational degrees and certificates on the lists established by the commissions paritaires nationales de l'emploi des branches professionnelles (national commissions). It helps to facilitate access to employment, human resources management and mobility.[1]

Certifications stored in the directory are recognized throughout the country.

Registration in the national directory is only for the certification itself.[2]

Under the authority of the Minister for Vocational Training, the Commission nationale de la certification professionnelle establishes and updates the répertoire national des certifications professionnelles. It ensures the renewal and adaptation of diplomas.

Degrees are classified in the répertoire national des certifications professionnelles by field of activity and level. For this criterion, until the adoption of the new classification referred to in article 8 of decree of 26 April 2002 referred to above, diplomas are classified according to the National Classification of Levels of Training approved by decision of the permanent group of vocational training and social advancement.

Professional fields

See also


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