
Qurbāni (Arabic: قربان) (or أضحية Udhiyyah as referred to in Islamic Law) is the sacrifice of a livestock animal during Eid-ul-Adha. The word is related to the Hebrew qorbān "offering" and Syriac qurbānā "sacrifice", etymologised through the cognate Arabic triliteral as "a way or means of approaching someone" or "nearness".[1] In Shariah Udhiyya would refer to the sacrifice of a specific animal, offered by a specific person, on specific days to seek Allah's pleasure and reward. The word qurban appears thrice in the Quran and in once in Sura Al-Ma'ida in reference to animal sacrifice. In the other two places the Quran speaks of sacrifice in the general sense, referring to any act which may bring one closer to Allah. Other appropriate terms are Dhabihah, Udhiyah and Nahar. A fifth term Zabah refers to normal Islamic slaughter outside the days of Udhiyah.

The origin and sacrifice of Qurbani

Islam traces the history of Qurbani to Cain (Qaabeel) and Abel (Haabeel). Abel (Haabeel) was the first human being to offer sacrifice of an animal for Allah. The Quran says in Sura Al-Ma'ida: And narrate unto them (O Muhammad) the true story of the two sons of Adam; when both of them offered sacrifices (in the name of Allah, but the offering of the one was accepted and not the other (Sura Al-Ma'ida: Verse 27). Ibn Kathir narrates that Abel (Haabeel) had offered a sheep whilst his brother Cain (Qaabeel) offered part of the crops of his land. The ordained procedure of Allah was that a fire would descend from the heavens and consume the accepted sacrifice. Accordingly a fire came down and enveloped the animal slaughtered by Abel (Haabeel) thus accepting the sacrifice of Abel (Haabeel) while Cain's (Qaabeel's) sacrifice was rejected. This lead to jealousy on the part of Cain (Qaabeel) resulting in the first human death when he murdered his brother Abel (Haabeel). After much repentance and remorse, Cain (Qaabeel) was granted forgiveness by Allah.

Ibraheem's sacrifice

The practice of Qurbani can be traced back to Ibraheem who dreamt that God ordered him to sacrifice his son. Ibraheem agreed to follow God's command and perform the sacrifice, however, God intervened and informed him that his sacrifice had been accepted. Unlike the Bible, there is no mention in the Qur'an of an animal (ram) replacing the boy, rather he is replaced with a 'great sacrifice' (Zibhin azeem).[2] Since the sacrifice of a ram cannot be greater than that of Abraham's son (and a prophet in Islam at that), this replacement seems to point to either the religious institutionalisation of sacrifice itself, or to the future self-sacrifices of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his companions (who were destined to emerge from the progeny of Ishmael) in the cause of their faith. From that day onward, every Eid al-Adha once a year Muslims around the world slaughter an animal to commemorate Abraham's sacrifice and to remind themselves of self-abnegation in the way of Allah.[3]

Wisdom of sacrifice

Allah says in the Qur'aan: 'It is not their flesh nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your piety that reaches him.' 22:37

The scholars have stated that the philosophy behind ‘Udhiya’ is that it is a demonstration of submission to Allah, complete obedience to Allah’s will or command and sacrificing everything for his pleasure. Ibraheem demonstrated this spirit of submission and sacrifice in the best possible manner. When confronted with the challenge of love and allegiance, he chose to submit unconditionally to Allah and suppressed personal desire and love for his family and child.

Qurbani calls for the slaughter of one's innate desires by placing the knife of courage and resistance on hatred, jealousy, pride, greed, animosity, love for the world and other such maladies of the heart.

Significance of Qurbani

Zaid bin Arkam reports that the Companions of the Messenger of Allah asked him: “O Messenger of Allah, what is this sacrifice?” He said: “It is the way of your forefather Ibraheem .” They asked: what (reward) is for us therein?” He replied: “There is a reward for every hair (i.e. the reward for meat and useful parts of the animal’s body will be very lofty in merit, but there will also be a great reward for the parts which are useless and thrown away such as the hair).” They asked: “For the wool, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied: “There is one reward for every strand of wool.” [Ahmad; Ibn Majah]

Prophet Muhammad said: The son of Adam does not do any action on the day of sacrifice which is more pleasing to Allah than the sacrifice of animals; the animal will come on the Day of Resurrection with its hair, horns and hooves (for reward). The blood certainly reaches Allah before it falls to the ground. So make yourselves purified therewith.(Tirmizi and Sunan ibn Majah)

Ritual sacrifice

Qurbani Cow

In Islam, the sacrifice of an animal is legal from the morning of the 10th to sunset of the 12th Dhu l-Hijjah, the 12th lunar month of the Islamic calendar. On these days Muslims all over the world offer Qurbani which means a sacrifice/ slaughter of an animal on specific days for the pleasure of Allah. It is understood as a symbolic repetition of Ibraheem's sacrifice of a ram in place of his son, a crucial notion in Judaism, Christianity and Islam alike. Islamic preachers would use the occasion to comment on the fact that Islam is a religion of sacrifice and use this opportunity to remind Muslims of their duty of serving mankind with their time, effort and wealth.

Most schools of fiqh accept that the animal must be killed according to the prohibitions of halal sacrifice and that the animal in question must be a domesticated goat, sheep, cow or camel.

On whom is sacrifice compulsory

The statements below need sources. While in some forms of Hajj, the sacrifice becomes mandatory or compulsory, there is debate on whether it is Wajib or Nafl with Imam Abu Hanifah maintaining it is Wajib and other jurists opining it is Nafl.

- 612.35g silver (19.71 troy ounces silver) or;

- 87.48g of gold;

- the equivalent of 612.36 grams of silver in zakatable assets such as cash, stock in trade etc.

- the equivalent of 612.36 grams of silver in non zakatable assets which is in excess of one's basic personal needs e.g. a second vehicle, a second home etc.

Islamic scholars usually use the silver value as a benchmark of Nisab

Sacrifice of an animal is a compulsory obligation every year on the occasion of Eid al-Adha and not a once in a lifetime duty.

People residing on farms or in villages where Eid al-Adha salah is not performed must also perform ritual sacrifice if the conditions are found

A person may purchase a sacrificial animal on behalf of another person, provided they consent to the purchase of the animal

Qurbani is not incumbent on a child or an insane person nor is it incumbent upon their guardians to perform it on their behalf

If sacrifice is compulsory on a person, then the obligation of sacrifice must be executed. Cash or kind may not be given in lieu of sacrifice. If sacrifice was not offered due to ignorance, negligence, mishap or other valid reason, then it is compulsory to give the price of the animal or the unslaughtered animal to the eight avenues of Zakat

Those exempted from sacrifice

Should any in the above category wish to perform the sacrifice, then they may do so and this person will gain the reward of the sacrifice.

Compulsory Sacrifice and Optional Sacrifice

It is compulsory for a person to first make sacrifice in his own name. He may either purchase a sheep or a goat or one-seventh share in a domesticated camel/ cow/ ox/ buffalo or bull.

In the Quran it is clearly mentioned in Surah Al Baqara (chapter 2) ayah 173; "He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah....."

Again in Surah Al Maeda (chapter 5) ayah 3; "Forbidden unto you (for food) are carrion and blood and swine-flesh, and that which hath been dedicated unto any other than Allah,..... "

And again in Surah Al Anaam (chapter 6) ayah 121; "And eat not of that whereon Allah's name hath not been mentioned, for lo! it is abomination. Lo! the devils do inspire their minions to dispute with you. But if ye obey them, ye will be in truth idolaters. (121)"

Based on these ayahs there is no question that a muslim is not supposed to eat from any animal that has been either sacrificed or killed otherwise for the sake of any creation. Since the meat of qurban is halal/permissible for the person doing the qurbani as well as other muslims, how can Islam support sacrificing animals in the name of any saint or prophet etc? These nafl qurbanis are nothing but a localized cultural influence of the regions that go influenced by Islam after the death of Muhammad.

Additionally there are no authentic hadith in any books stating that the Muhammad made sacrifices in the name of anyone other than Allah, or ate meat sacrificed in the name of anyone other than Allah.

Sharing of a sacrificial animal

The animals of sacrifice

It is imperative to choose animals from healthy stock without any visible defect

Animals not allowed for sacrifice

Animals acceptable for sacrifice

Animals preferred for sacrifice

Time of sacrifice

In cities and built up areas, sacrifice commences after the prayer of Eid-ul-Adha on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah.

In rural areas where Juma and Eid salah are not performed, sacrifice commences at the break of dawn (Fajr prayer/ Subhus Sadiq) on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah

Duration of sacrifice

Animals bought with the intention of sacrifice but were not slaughtered by sunset of the 12th of Dhu al-Hijjah should be donated 'alive' to charity.

Considerations for sacrifice

A slaughterer checking his freshly slaughtered cow during Eid ul-Adha in Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Intention for sacrifice

Actual sacrifice and method of slaughter

* It is essential to recite: Bismillah, Allahu Akbar (In the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest)

After sacrifice

Skinning of the animal

Seven prohibited parts of the animal

Seven permitted parts of the animal

Carcass care

Meat and skin distribution

Important note

The above laws are only applicable at the time of sacrifice for the period 10th Dhul Hijjah to 12th Dhul Hijjah and when sacrificing an animal for a new born child (aqeeqah). For purposes of meat consumption at any other time some of these laws will apply and not all.

See also


  1. Ambros, Arne Amadeus. 2004. A Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic. Wiesbaden: Reichert. P. 2Gg22 [Q-R-B]
  2. Quran 37:100–111
  3. Deeper Meaning of Sacrifice in Islam

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