Quran code

The Quran code is a series of numerical patterns claimed to exist in the text of the Quran, mostly using the number 19 as a common denominator. The study and results from this cipher have been popularized by the book The Quran: Final Testament by Rashad Khalifa.


In 1968, Egyptian biochemist Rashad Khalifa claimed he had discovered an intricate mathematical pattern when he placed the original Arabic text of the Quran into a computer. The intricate pattern was found to be divisible by a common denominator of the number 19, hence "code-19" is sometimes used to popularly describe Khalifa’s work or the community of Qur'an alone Muslims who go by the name of the Submitters.

The foundation of the code is the Quran's first verse, “In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful” (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ) known as Bismillah ArRahman ArRahim, which consists of 19 Arabic letters. Its constituent words occur in the Quran consistently in multiples of 19.

The first word "Ism" (Name) occurs 19 times. The second word "Allah" (God) occurs 2698 times (19x142). The third word "Al-Rahman" (Most Gracious) 57 times, 19x3. The fourth word "Al-Rahim" (Most Merciful) 114 times, 19x6.

The Quran's 19 code, however, is not limited to the first verse only. Historically, the first chapter ever revealed to Muhammed was chapter 96, The Embryo. This chapter contains 19 verses. The first portion revealed consisted of what is now the first 5 verses. These include 19 words which comprise 76 letters (19x4). The whole chapter contains 304 letters, or 19x16.


This discovery received wide publicity throughout the Islamic world. By the end of 1973, Rashad Khalifa had become well known in circles (even a hero to some), commanding full-house audiences as he lectured at universities, mosques, organizations, and even royal and presidential palaces.

In his Appendix 1 he also referred to the 19 code in the Jewish morning prayers as discovered by Rabbi Judah the Pious and gave more details of this in his August 1985 article.[1] Rashad Khalifa made mistakes in his counting of the letters. This was human error. He revised his calculations numerous times.[2] New sophisticated programs [3] show that most of his conclusions were wrong. However, he did open up an interesting field. Now there are many websites exploring numerical aspects of the Quran.[4]

However, his claims led to conclusions that unavoidably run contrary to the beliefs of mainstream Islam. Khalifa also presented findings that

See also


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