Quantum (book)

Author Manjit Kumar
Cover artist Gavin Morris
Country  England
Language English
Genre Science history

Icon Books in UK & Commonwealth nations W. W. Norton & Company in USA

Hachette India in India
Publication date
October 16, 2008
Media type Print (hardcover & paperback), audio player
Pages 448 pp
ISBN ISBN 978-93-80143-10-1 (Indian edition)
Auguste Piccard Émile Henriot (chemist) Paul Ehrenfest Édouard Herzen Théophile de Donder Erwin Schrödinger Jules-Émile Verschaffelt Wolfgang Pauli Werner Heisenberg Léon Brillouin Peter Debye Martin Knudsen William Lawrence Bragg Paul Dirac Arthur Compton Max Born Niels Bohr Irving Langmuir Max Planck Marie Curie Hendrik Lorentz Albert Einstein Paul Langevin Charles Thomson Rees Wilson Owen Willans RichardsonA. Piccard, E. Henriot, P. Ehrenfest, E. Herzen, Th. De Donder, E. Schrödinger, J.E. Verschaffelt, W. Pauli, W. Heisenberg, R.H. Fowler, L. Brillouin;P. Debye, M. Knudsen, W.L. Bragg, H.A. Kramers, P.A.M. Dirac, A.H. Compton, L. de Broglie, M. Born, N. Bohr;I. Langmuir, M. Planck, M. Curie, H.A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, P. Langevin, Ch. E. Guye, C.T.R. Wilson, O.W. Richardson Fifth conference participants, 1927. Institut International de Physique Solvay in Leopold Park.Image
The Fifth Solvay International Conference on Electrons and Photons in 1927.

Quantum: Einstein, Bohr, and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality is a science history book written by Manjit Kumar.


He describes Einstein, Bohr and the "Great Debate about the Nature of Reality" that played out over a number of years, particularly at the Fifth Solvay International Conference on electrons and photons in 1927, where the physicists met to discuss the then newly formulated quantum theory. It narrates the life of some eminent physicists and their work and also gives a view of the environment of science at that time. It tells the life stories of Bohr, Einstein, Planck, Rutherford, Schrödinger and others.


Quantum was number 1 on The Hindustan Times top 10 science books you should read in 2012.[1] Quantum had also been shortlisted for the BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction, 2009.[2]


  1. "Not the Best Books of 2011 list but...". The Hindustan Times. December 30, 2011. Retrieved May 5, 2013.
  2. "Science and exploration dominate BBC Samuel Johnson Prize 2009 shortlist". Samuel Johnson Prize. May 22, 2009. Retrieved May 25, 2012.

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