
For other uses, see Purism (disambiguation).

Purism, referring to the arts, was a movement that took place between 1918–1925 that influenced French painting and architecture. Purism was led by Amédée Ozenfant and Charles Edouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier). Ozenfant and Le Corbusier created a variation of Cubist movement and called it Purism.[1]

Amédée Ozenfant

Amédée Ozenfant was the creator (along with Le Corbusier) of Purism. In Susan Ball's book, Ball explains that Purism was an attempt to restore regularity in a war-torn France post World War I.[1]

L' Esprit Nouveau

Ozenfant and Le Corbusier ran an art magazine called L’ Esprit Nouveau spanning from 1920–1925 that was used as propaganda towards their Purist movement.[1]

Purist Manifesto

The Purist Manifesto is worth mentioning because it helps describe rules that Ozenfant and Le Corbusier created to govern the Purist movement.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 TextBall, Susan (1981). Ozenfant and Purism: The Evolution of a style 1915–1930. Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Research Press. p. 213.
