Purification of quantum state

In quantum mechanics, especially quantum information, purification refers to the fact that every mixed state acting on finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces can be viewed as the reduced state of some pure state.

In purely linear algebraic terms, it can be viewed as a statement about positive-semidefinite matrices.


Let ρ be a density matrix acting on a Hilbert space H_A of finite dimension n. Then there exist a Hilbert space H_B and a pure state | \psi \rangle \in H_A \otimes H_B such that the partial trace of | \psi \rangle \langle \psi | with respect to H_B

\operatorname{tr_B} \left( | \psi \rangle \langle \psi | \right )= \rho.

We say that | \psi \rangle is the purification of \rho.


A density matrix is by definition positive semidefinite. So ρ can be diagonalized and written as \rho = \sum_{i =1} ^n p_i | i \rangle \langle i | for some basis \{ | i \rangle \}. Let H_B be another copy of the n-dimensional Hilbert space with an orthonormal basis \{ | i' \rangle \}. Define | \psi \rangle \in H_A \otimes H_B by

| \psi \rangle = \sum_{i} \sqrt{p_i} |i \rangle \otimes | i' \rangle.

Direct calculation gives

\operatorname{tr_B} \left( | \psi \rangle \langle \psi | \right )= 
\operatorname{tr_B} \left[\left( \sum_{i} \sqrt{p_i} |i \rangle \otimes | i' \rangle \right ) \left( \sum_{j} \sqrt{p_j} \langle j | \otimes \langle j'| \right) \right]

=\operatorname{tr_B} \left( \sum_{i, j} \sqrt{p_ip_j} |i \rangle \langle j | \otimes | i' \rangle \langle j'| \right ) = \sum_{i,j} \delta_{ij} \sqrt{p_i p_j}| i \rangle \langle j | = \rho.

This proves the claim.


An application: Stinespring's theorem

By combining Choi's theorem on completely positive maps and purification of a mixed state, we can recover the Stinespring dilation theorem for the finite-dimensional case.