Punnapra South

Punnapra South is a grama panchayat and part of Punnapra village,in Alappuzha district, Kerala, India.It was created by dividing the erstwhile Punnapra panchayath in to north and south..The place name is much famous for the 1946 Punnapra-Vayalar revolt.Both beach and paddy field are presence here which is very rare in geography and hence one of the good places for sight seeing.The NH-47 and Ernakulam-Kayamkulam costal railway line is passing through Punnapra.There is a railway station at Punnapra.

Punnapra south panchayath is further divided in to 15 wards on either side of NH-47.Punnapra market is a small town and heart of the panchayath. The present president of the grama panchayath is Sri.P.P.Antony.
