Pulmonary angiography

Selective pulmonary angiogram revealing significant thrombus (labelled A) causing a central obstruction in the left main pulmonary artery

Pulmonary angiography (or pulmonary arteriography) is a cardiological medical procedure. Pulmonary blood vessels are x-rayed to detect arteriovenous malformations.

Direct angiography is the injection of radiocontrast into the circulation with subsequent fluoroscopy (direct X-ray visualisation) of the lungs. A more common form of direct angiography, is the catheterisation of the right atrium of the heart and injection of radiocontrast into the right heart.

A popular form of pulmonary angiography is computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA). This involves venous contrast only.

Invasive pulmonary angiography was first performed in 1931 by Egas Moniz and colleagues.[1] Robb and Steinberg described pulmonary angiography by infusion of peripheral radiocontrast.[2][3]


  1. Moniz E, Carvalho L, Lima A (1931). "Angiopneumographie". Presse Med 39: 996–99.
  2. Robb GP, Steinberg I (1938). "A practical method of visualization of the chambers of the heart, the pulmonary circulation, and the great blood vessels in man". J Clin Invest 17: 507. doi:10.1172/JCI100977. PMC 434806.
  3. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Mgl9G8oU1IkC&pg=PA566

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