Publius Silius Nerva

Publius Silius Nerva was a Roman politician and general who was consul in 20 BC.


Nerva was the son of a senator who had achieved the rank of propraetor.[1] A partisan of the emperor Augustus,[2] Nerva was rewarded with a number of important postings throughout his career.

Having risen through the ranks of the cursus honorum, he was awarded the consulate in 20 BC alongside Marcus Appuleius, becoming one of the many homines novi ennobled during Augustus’s Principate.[3]

After his consulate he was posted to Hispania Citerior in 19 BC as legatus, where he was involved in the ongoing Cantabrian Wars, helping Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa finally end the long and bloody campaign.[4] Following this he was posted to Illyricum where he was legate from 17 to 16 BC.[5]

Nerva had three sons, all consular:[6] Aulus Licinius Nerva Silianus (Consul 7 AD),[7] Publius Silius (Consul suffectus 3 AD) and Gaius Silius (Consul 13 AD).

Political offices
Preceded by
Marcus Lollius and Quintus Aemilius Lepidus
Consul of the Roman Republic
with Marcus Appuleius
20 BC
Succeeded by
Gaius Sentius Saturninus and Quintus Lucretius Vespillo



  1. Syme, pg. 362
  2. Syme, pg. 372
  3. Syme, pg. 330
  4. Syme, pgs. 332-333
  5. Syme, pg. 329
  6. Syme, pg. 500
  7. Syme, pg. 434