Public transport in Pécs

Mercedes Citaro type bus in Pécs

Public transport in Pécs, Hungary is provided by two companies, Tükebusz Zrt (from February 2012) and PK Zrt (Pécsi Közlekedési Zrt). Unlike the transport companies of many other cities, Tükebusz Zrt. is independent from the company responsible for municipal transport in the county (Pannon Volán) and is responsible only for the mass transportation in Pécs.



Old tram way marks the trace of the once existing public transport in Pécs.

In 20 October 1913 started the tram network in Pécs in 3 lines:

The length of the tramways were 1303 + 3349 + 417 = 5069 m. Pécs was the 29th city in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy which had tram line. The trams operated in only one tramway, and in the decades the tramways and the trams themselves became outdated so in 1960 they decided not to renovate the trams but develop the bus network. The last route was in 31 August 1960.

Nowadays there are plans to build new tram lines in Pécs (basically between Uránváros and Meszes replacing bus lines 2 and 21, and between Megyer and the city center replacing bus lines 6 and 7) but the tight streets do not support the idea and the budget is not available for such a big project.


In 19 August 1926 with 2 Renault-bus started the bus service in Pécs, first between Széchenyi tér and the cemetery. With the mining in Pécs there started to operate buses between the city center and the mines. In the 1930s the buses started to be popular, new lines started to operate to Mecsek. After the 2nd World War from Budapest and from nationalized private companies Pécs got new buses, and in 1948–49 new lines started to operate to Kokszmű, Bálics, Nagymeszes, Postvölgy, Nagyárpád, Szabolcsfalu, Tettye, Donátusba, Vasas, Pellérd, all from Széchenyi Square. In 1958 there were 58 buses.

In 1960 the tram lines have been closed, the lines got numbers and they were reconstructed. Széchenyi square was not big enough for all of the lines and buses, some started from Kossuth square and from Újmecsekalja. In 1964 the company had 109 buses after it merged to the county's company, most of them Škoda (Karosa ŠM) or Ikarus 30, 620, 630, 66.

The city had grown very fast, in Újmecsekalja, Meszes and Kertváros there were built thousands of new flats.

In 1976 Pécs had the first Ikarus 260 and 280 types and until 1983 they discarded all old types and had only Ik-260s and Ik-280s. In 1979 the Nevelési Központ station opened in Megyer, at this time buses started from Újmecsekalja, Főpályaudvar, Budai állomás, Kossuth tér, Kertváros and Nevelési Központ. In 1986 they closed the Kossuth tér station.

In 1987 the numbering changed:

This system is still available with some minor changes.

White-blue Ikarus 415

In 1988 there was the peak in the number of buses (181) and the number of passengers. In 1993 Pécsi Közlekedési Rt. was founded and separated from Pannon Volán. In 1995 Pécs had new Ikarus Bus 415 and 435 buses, and from 1999 Mercedes Citaro and Mercedes Conecto types.

In 2003 the name changed to Pécsi Közlekedési Rt and from the old white-blue colours they changed to yellow-blue which are the colours of the city. Now they have 167 buses (75 Ikarus and 88 Mercedes). In 2009 PK Zrt sold all of their buses for 2.2 billion Forints and started to rent them for 2.1 billion Forints annually. In 2012 the court gave back the buses to PK Zrt because of misappropriation.

PK Zrt had approximately 800 million Forints debt in 2012, it bankrupted, and the city started a new transport company named Tükebusz Zrt. They rent the buses from PK Zrt.

Bus services

Daytimes bus services
1: Uránváros – Csontváry utca – Uránváros
2: Uránváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Mecsekszabolcs
2A: Uránváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Fehérhegy
3: Kertváros – Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Autóbusz-állomás (bus station) – Kertváros
4: Uránváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Hősök tere
4: Uránváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Hősök tere - Árpádtető
4: Uránváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Hősök tere - Gesztenyés
4Y: Uránváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Újhegy
6: Kertváros – Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Autóbusz-állomás (bus station) – Kertváros
12: Budai állomás – István-akna
13: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Hird, Harangláb utca
14: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Petőfi-akna
15: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – István-akna
15A: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Somogy
16: Budai állomás – Finn utca
20: Uránváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Baromfifeldolgozó
20A: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Hőerőmű
22: Kertváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Nagydeindol
23: Kertváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Deindol
24: Kertváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Mecsekszentkút
25: Budai állomás – Patacs, Benczúr Gyula utca
25A: Uránváros – Tettye Forrásház
26: Budai állomás – II-es rakodó
27: Uránváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Gesztenyés
28: Uránváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Cassian-telep
30: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Kürt utca
30Y: Zsolnay Mausoleum - Zsolnay Negyed (Zsolnay Cultural Quarter) - Kürt utca
32: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – MTA-Székház – Főpályaudvar (railway station)
33: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Tettye, Havihegyi út
34: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Dömörkapu
34A: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Szanatórium
35: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Misinatető
36: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Bálics
37: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Donátus
38: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Lámpásvölgy
39: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Gyükés
40: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Gesztenyés
41: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Reménypuszta
42: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Nagyárpád
44: Vásárcsarnok – Széchenyi tér – Vásárcsarnok
55: Kertváros – Kürt utca
55Y: Kertváros – Kürt utca
60: Budai állomás – Csontváry utca – Budai állomás - Mecsekszabolcs
60A: Budai állomás – Csontváry utca – Budai állomás
71: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Autóbusz-állomás (bus station) – Malomvölgyi út
71Y: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Autóbusz-állomás (bus station) – Málom - Malomvölgyi út – Főpályaudvar (railway station)
72: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Autóbusz-állomás (bus station) – Fagyöngy utca
73: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Autóbusz-állomás (bus station) – Fagyöngy utca – Malomvölgyi út
73Y: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Árkád (shopping center) – Autóbusz-állomás (bus station) – Fagyöngy utca – Málom – Malomvölgyi út – Főpályaudvar (railway station)
81: Petőfi-akna – Hird, Harangláb utca
104: Petőfi-akna – Uránváros
113: Budai állomás – Hird, Harangláb utca
120: Uránváros – Árkád (shopping center) – Baromfifeldolgozó – Kertváros
122: Fagyöngy utca – Autóbusz-állomás (bus station) – Árkád (shopping center) - Nagydeindol
123: Fagyöngy utca – Autóbusz-állomás (bus station) – Árkád (shopping center) - Deindol
124: Fagyöngy utca – Autóbusz-állomás (bus station) – Árkád (shopping center) - Mecsekszentkút
126: István-akna – Uránváros
130: Kertváros – Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Kürt utca
130A: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Kertváros
Night times bus services
2: Uránváros – Árkád – Fehérhegy – Mecsekszabolcs – Hősök tere
926: Uránváros – Korsó utca – Deindol – Uránváros
932: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Pálosok – Donátus – MTA-székház – Főpályaudvar (railway station)
940: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Szamárkút – Ledina – Kórház
941: Malomvölgyi út – Árpádváros – Malomvölgyi út
943: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Újhegy – Somogy – Vasas – Hirdi elágazás
973: Főpályaudvar (railway station) – Fagyöngy utca – Malomvölgyi út

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Buses in Pécs.

Public transport in the cities of Hungary
Budapest | Debrecen | Miskolc | Szeged | Pécs